What are the advantages of training in astrology?

Training in astrology is suitable for anyone who is interested in celestial bodies and their influence on our lives and who may wish to use this interest in counseling.

The most important advantages are

  1. No specific prior knowledge is usually required for training in astrology.
  2. The courses offer a broad field for in-depth and perhaps novel self-awareness.
  3. Training to become an astrologer can be completed while working. During the 1.5-2 years of training, you can gain valuable experience by applying it to yourself and in your personal environment.
  4. The astrology training courses of several training providers have been examined and recognized by the SAB.
  5. Some parts of the basic and advanced training for astrologers can be attended as individual courses. This allows you to design the training in a modular way and adapt it to your situation.
  6. Astrology training courses are offered in all metropolitan areas.
  7. You will not only learn a lot about the stars, celestial bodies, their constellations and influences, but also about psychology and counseling.
  8. You will probably be able to reinterpret your fellow human beings and their reactions and see connections that were previously hidden from you.
  9. After the connection, you have many opportunities to further develop and deepen astrological topics in working groups or exchange rounds.
  10. The comprehensive training enables you to work as an independent astrological consultant.

Provider of courses in astrology