Animal communication: Experience report by participant Selina - Helping different animals as an animal communicator instead of a vet

Portrait-Foto Selina Stuppan
Selina Stuppan

Please tell us about your professional career.

My name is Selina and I am 29 years old. After my commercial apprenticeship, I also completed a vocational baccalaureate. This gave me the option of studying to be a vet at university later on via the second educational path. I started the course, but then dropped out because I found it difficult to finance and the time required. That's why I looked around for an alternative training course. I am currently training to become an animal communicator at Tiergeflüster. My main job is 80% accounting and I also have a store selling guinea pig accessories. I am also committed to the species-appropriate keeping of guinea pigs.

What motivated you to complete the animal communication training at Tiergeflüster?

I've always loved animals. Ever since I was little. That's why I always wanted to be a vet. For a long time, I didn't know animal communicator as a profession. When I came across the training in animal communication, I knew straight away that this was something for me. Anyone can learn it. There are no specific requirements that need to be met. You can continue your education while working. That was ideal for me. And my desire to work with animals was also present in animal communication. I discovered the animal communicator by chance, but I am very happy with my choice.

Unterrichtsmaterial der Tiergeflüster-Ausbildung

What further training courses in animal communication have you attended at Tiergeflüster?

At Tiergeflüster I have completed the basic training in animal communication and am still attending further modules to deepen my knowledge and to be able to engage better with clients.

Why did you choose Tiergeflüster as an educational institute?

I came to Tiergeflüster by chance. I didn't know about this type of training at the beginning. Through online research, I discovered the training in animal communication at Tiergeflüster via Google. It immediately appealed to me because the statements were very specific and got to the point quickly. It was clear what Sandra Carrera does, what she offers and what the exact content of the training in animal communication is. This clear language really appealed to me. I was able to quickly grasp what I could expect from the training.

Unterricht Tierkommunikation-Ausbildung

How does training in animal communication support you in your work or life?

The animal communication course supports me in my hobby with guinea pigs. When people approach me with questions, I can now respond to them better. I have gained more self-confidence. The animal communication course also teaches you a lot about yourself.

Can you put what you have learned in theory into practice?

In any case, I can put what I have learned in theory into practice one-to-one. We also deal with many live cases in the animal communication course. These are then worked out together. We also receive feedback from the owners as to whether this is possible and whether we were able to achieve an improvement with this information. The theory is thus turned into practical examples during the animal communication course, which can then be practiced.

Pause Weiterbildung Tierkommunikation

What did you find particularly helpful during your training in animal communication?

There is a lot of different learning content in the animal communication course. There is no single one that explicitly helped me the most. However, when I think about it, the systemic constellations were perhaps the most useful. We were able to work out the systemic approach to animal communication together on a case study, experience it together in the group and have an "aha" experience. This touched us deeply in some cases and also brought great emotion. I was very impressed. I also think healing stones are a good way to help animals. For me, these were the most important points that I liked the most during the training in animal communication.

Is there a specific project or success that you were able to achieve thanks to the animal communication course?

Exactly, I have had such success with my own animals. I had a guinea pig that had quite a few illnesses. He was also a case study in the animal communication course. Together we discovered the very close and strong bond between me and the guinea pig. At the same time, I wasn't feeling well at all. I transferred this bad or negative energy to the guinea pig. It was very exhausted and tired as a result. It reached its limits just as much as I did during this time. Through my training in animal communication, I then realized that the guinea pig was unconsciously absorbing my energy. I was then able to work on this specifically. The guinea pig then became more independent and self-reliant. He found his own zest for life again and enhanced his own personality. This also helped me to find out what is important to me and what effect I have on my animals. That's why I can only recommend training in animal communication when dealing with my own animals.

Praxisübung für Tierkommunikation

How much time do you spend on preparation and follow-up work in addition to lessons?

To be honest, I didn't spend too much time studying. I kept thinking about animal communication. Immediately after the course, I was always so exhausted and exhausted. The head is empty. The person is full of emotions. I didn't have the energy to follow up immediately after a day's course on animal communication. This tended to take place a week or two later. Then you reflect again on what was important to you and what you want to continue working on. However, the time it takes to work through these issues is very individual. Just like the time spent on it as part of the animal communication training.

How did you organize your private and professional life?

It's very interesting, because many people are skeptical about this balancing act when it comes to further training. I can understand that very well. After all, it is something that is not tangible. I was often confronted with these reservations in my private life during my training in animal communication. However, I was usually able to dispel such reservations. Because although you limit yourself somewhat, you also benefit a lot. In my private life, training in animal communication has opened my eyes to how I deal with my animals and how I perceive them.

Rückfragen während der Weiterbildung Tierkommunikation

What did you like best about the animal communication course?

My favorite part of the animal communication class was the group dynamic. There were so many different people who came together and at first didn't seem to fit together at all. Over time and through the close cooperation, you quickly recognize the similarities and the motivations of other people. We got to know each other better by sharing and working together on the case studies in animal communication. In the end, we were all on the same wavelength. That's what I liked best. No one was excluded. There was no right or wrong. Everyone was able to bring their own ideas to animal communication. This rounded things off so nicely for me.

When do you like it the least in class?

My least favorite part of the animal communication course was when it was about me as a person and it got emotional. I am not a person who likes to express my feelings to the outside world. I prefer to take them inside myself. When we really dealt with a case in animal communication that involved my inner self, I didn't like it at first. Because feelings came up and I almost lost my breath. I felt uncomfortable because the whole group was there. But in the end, it was a release for me. I was able to get my pent-up feelings out of me and let them go. In the end, this helped me a lot. Even if it did take its toll on me during the training in animal communication.

Schulungsraum Tiergeflüster Schule

Who would you recommend training in animal communication to?

I would recommend this animal communication course to anyone, because anyone can learn it. Critics in particular should attend such a course. Because I think you can only be critical of something that you have actually tried out. I can only accept criticism in this regard from people who have experienced animal communication live. Only those who know how animal communication works and takes place can judge it honestly.

Did you have a special "wow" moment during the course?

During the animal communication course, I had a lot of "aha" moments. We had a feeling of realization on practically every day of the course. I find it difficult to pick out a specific one. If you try it out, you will find your own 'aha' moment.

Aussenübung Tierkommunikation-Ausbildung

What was the atmosphere like during the animal communication course?

The atmosphere during the course on animal communication was very relaxed. The exchange was very honest. Personal matters were discussed in the group, but they did not leave the room. Everyone openly explains their problems in order to work with them in the group. That's why openness and honesty were very important to us. But there was also plenty of fun to be had.

How did you experience the collaboration during the lessons?

Working with the group leader Sandra Carrara and my fellow group members during the animal communication course was really funny at times. However, I also experienced it very intensively. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. I also find the intensive cooperation the authentic thing about the animal communication training at Tiergeflüster. This brought the training to life for me and I really enjoyed it.

Gespräch in Weiterbildung Tierkommunikation

What did you like about Tiergeflüster and the course instructor Sandra Carrara?

I found Sandra Carrara to be an easy-going, upbeat person during the days of the animal communication course. She was also very good at motivating you. She gives good input if something goes in the wrong direction. But she also helps participants who are stuck somewhere. In my opinion, that's what makes a good leader. A course leader should be able to respond to each participant individually. Sandra definitely demonstrated this flair during my training in animal communication. She can approach people and help them with difficulties.

Overview of providers of training in animal communication