Spanish level / language levels and international language diplomas

If you want to take a Spanish language test and are therefore looking for helpful information on the different language levels on the internet, you will find an endless amount of different information. This often makes it very difficult to find out about the different levels of Spanish and the corresponding certificates.

Spanish diplomas are very important in various situations. If you want to study at a university in a Spanish-speaking country, you need a certificate proving that you have reached level C1 in the Spanish language. Certificates from recognized institutions are also in demand as proof of Spanish language skills, for example in an application dossier.

Before an internationally recognized Spanish language test can be taken, it is usually necessary to plan an accurate preparation time in which, for example, a Spanish course is completed. In order to find the right Spanish diploma course, it is necessary that the current language level has already been determined. Otherwise, it is easy to book a course that is too difficult or not challenging enough. Excessive demands and boredom slow down the pace of learning and therefore the benefits of a course enormously. Who wants to waste money on a course that does nothing?

The education portal therefore offers the opportunity to find out more about your career by means of a free and non-bindingSpanish language testto reliably determine your language level. Invest just a few minutes and you will receive a solid evaluation of your current learning level. Then book the right Spanish course to prepare you for your official Spanish diploma!

The different levels and diplomas of the Spanish language

In the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), a standardized grid has been established for Spanish, German, Italian, English and French with regard to learning levels and progress in the respective foreign languages. The different language diplomas can therefore be integrated into a uniform cross-language system and thus form a clear benchmark for the different language levels. This benefits learners as well as schools, universities and employers, as this uniform classification of levels provides them with helpful orientation across countries.

The levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR shown graphically

Niveau Sprachlevel Spanisch

The Spanish language tests

There are various providers to choose from when taking a Spanish language test. Not all language diploma providers are subject to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Of course, it makes sense to take a Spanish diploma that can be placed in the CEFR. However, universities, colleges and employers have different guidelines and preferences. It is therefore highly recommended to clarify this in advance.

To take a general Spanish diploma, which is widely accepted internationally, we recommend either the DELE (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera) from the Instituto Cervantes or the very well-known TELC certificates (The European Language Certificate).

The DELE certificates are very well known all over the world and are carried out at three different levels of difficulty, which correspond to the European Framework of Reference CEFR.

TELC (The European Language Certificates) is a provider of language certificates in all 6 languages of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In Spanish, they offer diplomas at levels A and B and are therefore aimed more at beginners and intermediate learners.

Furthermore, various institutions also offer job-specific language certificates. So if you want to obtain a Spanish diploma for your profession, you can obtain the CEC Certificado de Español Comercial at levels B2 and C1 from the official Spanish Chamber of Commerce.

The Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers various sector-specific language diplomas at level B and C in the fields of business or tourism (CBEN B2, CBET B2, CSEN C1, CSET C1 and DEN C2)

The different Spanish learning levels and the corresponding certificates

Spanish level / language level Description Spanish language test
A1 You understand everyday expressions as long as the sentences are simple. You can speak short sentences, introduce yourself, say where you come from, where you work or study and what you like to do in your free time. You can therefore express the most basic things.
  • TELC: A1
A2 In everyday life, you take part in normal conversations, common words and phrases are very familiar and you already understand a lot in context. You have no difficulty communicating in routine situations.
  • TELC: A2 or Español Escuela
B1 Everyday conversations are almost error-free and very fluent, you can also read and write simple texts well. Foreign accents still cause some difficulty.
  • TELC: B1 or Español Escuela
  • DELE Inicial
B2 Your language skills have matured well and you can communicate orally and in writing with virtually no difficulty in everyday situations. You can also understand rather complicated texts.
  • DELE Intermedio
  • CBEN B2 Certificado Básico de Español de los Negocios
  • CBET B2 Certificado Básico de Español del Turismo
C1 Your Spanish language skills are very advanced and you can read Spanish literature with ease. You know Spanish idioms, jokes and phrases and are already able to discuss them skilfully.
  • DEC C1 Diploma de Español Comercial -
  • CSEN C1Certificado Superior de Español de los Negocios
  • CSET C1 Certificado Superior de Español del Turismo
C2 Your knowledge of Spanish is practically perfect and you speak to native speakers at practically the same level. You also understand specialist literature and can write complex texts yourself.
  • DELE Superior
  • DEN C2 Diploma de Español de los Negocios

Take the Spanish language test now