Schools Uster: Information about education Uster

Es gibt zahlreiche Schulen Uster über die Stadt verteilt
View over the town of Uster with numerous training opportunities
Wo liegt Uster und wo finde ich Schulen Uster?
The schools in Uster are located between Volketswil and Gossau

1. where is Uster located?

Uster is a town in the Zurich Oberland. It is located between Wetzikon and Volketswil near Lake Greifensee. As a residential town on Lake Greifensee, it offers high-quality living and working spaces. The numerous schools in Uster offer a wide range of educational opportunities.

2. how big is Uster?

Uster is the third-largest town in the canton of Zurich after Winterthur and has a population of over 35,000. The city, which was once characterized by the textile industry, is also one of the twenty largest cities in Switzerland. This makes Uster the largest center in the Zurich Oberland alongside Wetzikon. An open culture of encounter enables people to make connections quickly, make new contacts and feel at home, including pupils and students at a school in Uster.

3. accessibility of the school in Uster by public transport

Schulen Uster: gute Erreichbarkeit mit dem öffentlichen Verkehr
The schools in Uster are easily accessible by public transport

The city is connected to the S-Bahn of the Zurich transport network. A journey to the center of Zurich takes just 14 minutes. Uster is therefore ideally connected to the metropolis of Zurich, which makes it easier for pupils and students to travel to schools in Uster. There is also a well-developed network of bus routes connecting the surrounding towns such as Volketswil, Pfäffikon ZH, Fehraltorf, Mönchaltorf and Gossau ZH. This means that the "Uster schools" are also easily accessible by public transport. Uster is increasingly becoming a bicycle- and public transport-friendly town.

4 "Uster schools": Accessibility by private transport

Erreichbarkeit der Schulen Uster mit Auto oder Töff
Good accessibility to schools in Uster by car or motorcycle
via three highway connections

Accessibility for cars and motorcycles is guaranteed by the connection to the A53 highway. Road traffic in Uster is characterized by two striking typical elements: Railroad crossings and traffic circles. In addition to the school's own parking spaces at schools in Uster, parking is available in various underground garages.

5. schools in Uster

In addition to primary and secondary schools, Uster is home to a cantonal school, vocational school, art and sports school, Japanese school, music school and a private school in Uster Castle, the Schloss Schule. There are also other private schools and a wide range of further education courses in Uster, such as a higher technical college, a school for playgroup leaders and the Swiss Marketing Academy.

6. catering services

There are numerous catering options such as canteens, take-aways, pizzerias and restaurants in the vicinity of the "Schulen Uster" and in the center of Uster - the area between Bahnhofstrasse, Bankstrasse, Poststrasse and Zürichstrasse. The Loren industrial and commercial area also has a wide range of catering options.

Verpflegungsmöglichkeiten an Schulen Uster
Catering options when visiting schools in Uster - varied, healthy, fast or leisurely

7. after class

In Uster there are some nice and well-frequented bars for an aperitif after class at a school in Uster. The Zeughausbar is a particularly popular meeting place. The shores of Lake Greifensee, the city park and the modern sports facilities offer many opportunities for sporting activities as well as recreation. Uster offers an urban quality of life. Uster's many businesses, retailers and shopping centers also make it an excellent place for shopping during breaks from school.

Nach dem Besuch des Unterrichtes an den Schulen Uster können Sie vielseitig entspannen.
"Schools Uster": Relaxing on Lake Greifensee after class

Pictures of schools in Uster for training and further education (click on the pictures to enlarge):

Mit dem Zug gelangen Sie gemütlich an Schulen Uster Über den Busbahnhof gelangen Sie schnell an Ihre Schule Uster Parkieren bei Schulen Uster - für Autos, Velos und Mofas Schloss Schule Uster - sicher eine spezielle Kulisse für den Schulbesuch Schloss Schule Uster - Burg mit Burgturm Schloss Schule Uster - sich im Restaurant nebenan gemütlich verpflegen Nach dem Unterricht an einer Schule Uster können Studenten am Greifensee relaxen Der Teich im Stadtpark lädt nach der Schule Uster zum ausruhen ein Schulen Uster: Unterrichtsfreie Zeit im Stadtpark geniessen Pausen in der Schule Uster im Stadtpark geniessen Sich im Strassencafe in der Mittagspause an Schulen Uster verpflegen In der Sportanlage Buchholz können nach der Schule Uster unterschiedliche Sportarten betrieben werden Auch klettern kann man als Auszeit von der Schule Uster Am Greifensee können Schüler von Schulen Uster sich bewegen oder entspannen Auch eine Schifffahrt lässt den Schulstress von Schulen Uster vergessen Schulen Uster im Zentrum laden in Pausen zum flanieren oder in Bars und Restaurants ein Beim Kreisel hat es einige Schulen Uster in der Nähe und diese sind sehr zentral Apéro nach der Schule Uster am See geniessen

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