How can I work professionally with Schüssler salts?

Schüssler's biochemistry can also be used by medical laypersons and is awell-known healing methodin German-speaking countries. It is also used in veterinary medicine.

With further training in Schüssler salts, you have the opportunity toself-employedi.e. to make diagnoses and therapy suggestions to your own customers.

The method is often used professionally byPeopleused,who are medically active(complementary therapists, doctors, naturopaths, veterinarians, etc.) who prescribe Schüssler salts in complementary medicine.

If you are registered as a naturopath for a main method with the ASCA (Swiss Foundation for Complementary Medicine), you can register Schüssler salts as a secondary method.

Other areas of work include nutritional advice and all places where Schüssler salts are sold. To advise customers inPharmaciesandDrugstoresthe relevant knowledge will be of great benefit to you.

Provider of further training on Schüssler salts