Personal style and styling - fashion for yourself and others

Fashion requires not only craftsmanship, but also the ability to make clever choices and combinations. A flair for the individual, the characteristic that is expressed in our clothing.

Styling courses and further training are available with two learning objectives:

  1. Find your own fashion style
    Styling seminars help you to discover your own personal style and possible forms of expression in a short space of time. Costs from around CHF 550.
  2. Get trained to advise others on fashion
    If you not only want to apply your styling skills to yourself, but also advise other people, you will find a selection of appropriate fashion training courses in style and color consulting, wardrobe planning, etc.

These courses can be completed on a part-time basis, vary in intensity and cost from around CHF 1,700 upwards.

As a rule, these courses and training programs do not require any special knowledge, but do count on your interest in fashion and clothing design, a sense of aesthetics and good communication skills.

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Provider of courses and further training in the fashion sector