What will I learn on the HF Building Technology course? What can I do as a qualified HF building technology technician (formerly HF building technology technician)?

In the HF course to become a certified building technician HF (formerly HF building technology technician), you will receive generalist training in business management as well as specialist training in the areas of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and sanitation.

The learning content and skills taught are based on the "Building Services Engineering" framework curriculum, but can vary in detail from school to school. As a rule, the following topics are covered in a building technology HF course:

  • Fundamentals of electrical engineering, heating technology, refrigeration technology, sanitary technology, ventilation and air conditioning technology
  • Project and personnel management
  • Process and change management
  • Communication
  • Business administration, economics
  • Law
  • (Construction) physics
  • Finance and accounting
  • Mathematics
  • Marketing
  • Energy and environment
  • Maintenance / Facility Management

The theory is taught with constant reference to practice and taking current trends into account.

As a qualified building technology technician HF (formerly technician HF building technology), you will be able to analyze and evaluate building technology problems and challenges, develop appropriate solution strategies and take on management tasks in the field of building technology: You will plan, operate, implement, maintain, optimize and replace building technology systems. You can assume technical and management responsibility for projects in all phases. As a qualified building services engineer HF, you will also coordinate the various specialist areas involved. In addition, you pay attention to the ecology and sustainability of a project and take the circular economy into account. You will also be responsible for maintaining contact with clients and working with the relevant authorities. It is not uncommon for you to be responsible for managing employees and holding quality assurance training courses.

Provider with building technology HF training, further education, studies