What does a feng shui consultant do? What does their professional activity look like?

Feng shui consultants help to furnish, design or build rooms according to the principles of Far Eastern harmony theory. Feng shui takes the basic characteristics of rooms, balances them and also harmonizes the people who live and work in them. Rooms furnished according to feng shui - be they private or business premises, offices or gardens - offer a harmonious environment and are therefore conducive to well-being and ultimately health.

Some feng shui consultants also offer clarification of energetic interference fields and measures to eliminate them.

Feng Shui consulting is based on the analysis of three principles:

  • Characteristics of the house (topographical environment, location in the cardinal points, arrangement of the entrance and rooms)
  • Time component (date of completion of construction; in the case of major renovations, e.g. date of new occupancy)
  • Dates of birth of all residents and - as far as possible - users.

The feng shui consultants use this information to determine the character of the individual rooms. They then look for ways to strengthen favorable energies, balance unfavorable energies and optimize the overall energy flow through all rooms. To do this, the consultants use the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal. In Chinese teachings, these are symbolic of five different energy qualities and help to shape the character of a room through their colors, shapes and textures. From a feng shui perspective, it makes a big difference whether furniture, decorative and everyday objects are made of wood, ceramic, glass, metal or plastic, whether angular, arched, round, elongated or square shapes predominate and whether the dominant color is white, red, green, yellow or blue.

They record the results of their analyses in a written report and with visualizations. Feng shui consultants make suggestions for concrete measures such as suitable colors for the walls, materials and design of furniture, lighting and textiles, which can be used to bring each room into harmony with its basic energy, the temporal influences and the people who live in it.

Provider of courses in Feng Shui