Retail specialist with a federal certificate: insider course information from Rolf Schmalz

Portrait-Foto Rolf Schmalz
Rolf Schmalz

Tell us about your background.

Rolf Schmalz, who is responsible for training courses for retail specialists at WBA, in an interview with the education platform He has 20 years of professional experience in adult education. He is well placed to deal with uncertainties when it comes to choosing a course and finding the right educational institute for training and further education in sales. He answers our questions about the retail specialist course without hesitation.

Who is the retail trade specialist course particularly suitable for?

The retail trade specialist course with a federal certificate is particularly suitable for people who come from the specialist trade and retail trade and also appeals directly to them.

What opportunities do graduates have after completing the retail specialist course?

After graduating as a retail specialist with a specialist certificate, you have a good chance of obtaining a position as a specialist manager or deputy specialist manager.

What do students learn on the retail trade specialist course?

During their training as retail specialists, students acquire the necessary knowledge in sales, marketing, strategic management, purchasing, logistics and personnel management.

How much does the retail specialist course cost?

The retail specialist course costs between CHF 9,000 and CHF 10,000 and should include everything except the fee for the federal examination. Look out for price transparency in the offers.

What makes Winterthur a particularly interesting training location for retail students?

The city of Winterthur is the second largest agglomeration in the canton of Zurich. Winterthur is therefore predestined for training as a retail trade specialist.

What are the advantages of attending the retail trade specialist course at the WBA Winterthur continuing education program?

Weiterbildung WBA offers the Retail Trade Specialist course in Winterthur with a very popular educational concept. In our small classes in Winterthur, we can also ensure that our students are well prepared to take the federal examination. Our average success rate for all federal qualifications offered is just under 90 percent each year.

Overview of retail trade specialist providers