What do I learn in the preparatory courses for the higher professional examination?
What can I do as a site manager (HFP) with a federal diploma?

After successfully completing the preparatory courses and the higher professional examination (HFP) as a site manager with a federal diploma, you will have in-depth specialist and management skills in addition to your construction knowledge and experience, enabling you to take on the demanding tasks of site management for several construction sites at the same time - either in building construction or civil engineering, depending on your specialization.

The subject matter of the preparatory courses for the HFP construction manager / site manager includes these topics:

  • Site management (project management, organization, scheduling, execution preparation, on-site work)
  • Building construction (foundation, preparation, shell, finishing, electrical engineering, etc.)
  • Building fundamentals (building physics, statics, building materials, ecology, fire prevention, etc.)
  • Surveying (position and height determination)
  • Legal (contract theory, SIA 118, spatial planning, building and environmental law, etc.)
  • Communication (chairing meetings, conducting discussions, minutes, etc.)

Provider of further training for construction managers (HFP)