Self-test: Is naturopathy really my vocation?

Anyone who works with Bach flowers is working in the field of naturopathy and herbal medicine. There are other methods such as phytotherapy or homeopathy, which also work with the more subtle energies of plants and flowers. These subtle forms of energy are not generally accepted, but are sometimes regarded as esoteric nonsense. Those who want to use Bach flowers for themselves are hardly affected by this. However, for professional use or a planned activity as a Bach flower therapist, it is advisable to ensure that you have received sound and recognized training.

Contents of the naturopathy vocation test

In addition to specialist knowledge, you also need a certain aptitude for dealing with people and their health problems in order to work successfully with naturopathic remedies and methods. If you would like to know what other qualities and skills are required, take our online vocation test and find out how strong your vocation is for working in the field of naturopathy.

To the vocation test

To the courses "Bach Flowers (Certified)"