Hotelier-Gastronomer / Hoteliere-Gastronomin (HF) (formerly Hôtelier-Restaurateur / Hôtelière-Restauratrice (HF))  (Kreuzlingen):
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Hauptstrasse 12
7062 Passugg
EHL Hotel Management School Passugg
The EHL Hotel Management School Passugg is one of the best hotel management schools in Switzerland and has more than 50 years of proven excellence in practice-oriented education. It offers state-accredited programs for the hotel and hospitality industry with a modern, immersive approach that prepares graduates for leadership and entrepreneurship.

Founded in 1966 and supported by the EHL Group since 2013, EHL Hotelfachschule Passugg is a long-standing member of HotellerieSuisse, an industry association with over 3,000 members; its graduates enjoy the highest recognition in the industry with their degrees.

In a 4.5-year course, interested students can obtain the HF Diploma in Hotel Management and the EHL Bachelor in International Hospitality Management - two top degrees in hotel management - in the shortest possible time.
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: Passugg
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

The higher technical colleges (HF) are based on the "Hotel and Catering" framework curriculum and teach their students in the following subject areas, among others: Business management, corporate management, finance, business organization, marketing, employees, accommodation management, housekeeping, reception, catering management, restoration, kitchen. In addition, there are further skills in communication, resource utilization, basic knowledge of the tourism industry and intercultural skills.

Hotelier-restaurateurs (now: hotelier-restaurateurs) hold management positions in restaurants and hotels, where they carry out a wide range of activities. They are entrusted with looking after guests at reception, managing staff and ensuring that everything runs smoothly between the kitchen and service. They organize banquets and are responsible for room service and room furnishings. You will also be responsible for organizing the back and front office areas, as well as financial management. You will also prepare balance sheets and budgets, deal with financing, marketing, tax, legal and insurance issues and optimize and monitor operational processes.

To be able to work as a Hôtelier Restaurateur / Hotelier Gastronom / Hoteliere Gastronomin / Hôtelière Restauratrice, interested parties generally require the relevant training at a higher technical college (HF).

Depending on the study model chosen, the HF training to become a certified hotelier restaurateur HF (formerly Hôtelier Restaurateur / Hôtelière Restauratrice) takes between two and four and a half years. The duration also depends on whether the course is completed full-time or part-time. Enquire at the higher technical college of your choice.

Completion of basic vocational training (federal certificate of proficiency) as a cook EFZ, restaurant specialist EFZ, hotel specialist EFZ, hotel communication specialist EFZ, businessman / businesswoman EFZ in the hotel-gastro-tourism sector, system catering specialist EFZ, a commercial or technical secondary school, a high school diploma or an equivalent qualification is required for admission to the dipl. Hotelier Gastronom HF (formerly Hôtelier Restaurateur / Hôtelière Restauratrice).
The school management decides on admission for qualifications from other sectors.

Tips, tests and information on "Hotelier Gastronom HF / Hoteliere Gastronomin HF (formerly Hôtelier Restaurateur / Hôtelière Restauratrice)"

Is the "Certified Hotelier Gastronomer HF" course suitable for me?
» Self-test
What is required in a hotelier job / hotelier-restaurateur job? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Educational counseling online

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