Learning Italian: The most important tips you should keep in mind when learning Italian

1. do you need advice about your learning style? Do you already know what is the best, easiest and quickest way for you to learn Italian? This is very important, because only then will you be able to choose the course or tools that are tailored to your needs. Here are a few examples:

Learning type The best solution "Learn Italian"
Frontal teaching, comprehensive step-by-step textbooks, homework, clear tasks, group work Italian course at a language school
Independent learning on PC, tablet and smartphone, learning anywhere at any time, learning in small steps Italian learning apps and online courses to learn Italian
Memorizing, practicing vocabulary and conjunctions, flashcards, learning anywhere at any time Obtain flashcards, Italian learning apps
Making contacts, maintaining relationships, culture, identification, talking, listening Language studies, travel, study abroad, work placement, stay abroad, language courses in Italy or Ticino
Under audit pressure Italian diploma course (e.g. CELI, CILS, AIL etc.) when learning Italian

2. overcome your inhibitions when learning Italian! Don't be afraid to use your newly acquired Italian language skills. Don't worry about making mistakes when learning Italian! Instead, motivate those around you to correct you. This will prevent incorrect expressions or other mistakes from becoming ingrained. No master has ever fallen from the sky!

3. learn in context and not just isolated individual words.

4. buy some very light Italian reading material (e.g. magazines, newspapers and books) to learn Italian at the beginning, and more extensive reading material later on.

5. watch films and documentaries, news and other programs in Italian or with Italian subtitles. On average, you can pick up up to 15 new words per hour.

6. find a learning partner with Italian as their mother tongue in your area, your degree program or at work.

7. set your next vacation destination in Italy or Ticino and combine learning Italian with leisure time!

8 Don't give up, don't under- or overstretch yourself. Choose courses, programs and documents that are tailored to your knowledge.

9. enjoy learning and speaking Italian and you will soon be celebrating your first successes!

Overview of schools for learning Italian