Test here: Is working in adult education really your vocation?

Not everyone is called to be a teacher. But many discover in the course of their professional career that they enjoy passing on their specialist knowledge, skills and perhaps also their experience to others. Working as a trainer (formerly: course instructor) in adult education offers a good opportunity for this.
However, anyone who has ever led workshops or conducted training courses knows that the actual teaching hours only account for part of the time and effort. There is a lot of conception, planning and preparation work behind the course hours. Afterwards, there are questions to answer, evaluation forms to collect and feedback to evaluate. And also not to be underestimated is the organizational work involved as an instructor in registering and deregistering students, keeping class lists, providing teaching materials, etc.

Content of the adult education vocation test

Anyone dreaming of a career in adult education can use this free online vocation test to check whether they have a vocation for adult education:

To the vocation test

To the course offerings "SVEB certificate for trainers (formerly SVEB-1 course instructor)"