Treating depression: Overview of trainings, courses, education providers, answers to frequently asked questions and information

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Depression - what to do? Would you like to attend a depression training course to learn how to coach, support and accompany people with this illness in your environment or in your institution? - Then you've come to the right place!
Here you will find offers from schools, information and answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject of depression. Simply use the "Free information on the topic..." button to order course information directly from the education provider of your choice - with no obligation.

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Tipps und Entscheidungshilfen für die Ausbildungswahl

If you are in private or professional life - e.g. in an institution or facility for people with or without cognitive impairments - with people who are depressed, can no longer experience joy or are even suicidal, you often feel overwhelmed, frustrated and powerless. In such a situation, it is an immense challenge to understand and properly support the other person, who is suffering from an extreme lack of energy and joy. Is there really any help for depression and how can depression be treated? What exactly are the symptoms and when do we speak of a mood disorder and what are clear symptoms that should be taken seriously?

In depression training, participants learn how those affected experience everyday life. This is very valuable in that you can then respond much better to the depressed person. In this way, you recognize and learn how affected people can be shown appreciation and support. Participants in depression training also acquire the necessary skills to act correctly and competently in situations where there is a risk of suicide.

The depression training courses are primarily aimed at employees in socio-educational institutions who care for and support young people and adults, health professionals, e.g. in Spitex or long-term care, or people who support people with depressive illnesses in their private lives, e.g. parents or other important caregivers. There are a few courses that require a certain level of prior training and are aimed exclusively at professionals. It is therefore advisable to use the "Free information on the topic..." button to order information documents directly from the school without obligation and to read through them or to arrange a personal consultation with the course providers.

Questions and answers

Depressed people need a lot of understanding, patience and, in most cases, professional psychotherapeutic or medical help. Neither pressure nor excessive demands or well-intentioned advice are of any help. Ultimately, every person affected by depression is different and there are no general solutions. If you support people with depression in your professional or private environment, it can be helpful to attend a course or training course where you learn how to provide constructive and understanding support and are taught the necessary skills to act in the event of suicidal risk.

The best way to learn what you can do if you support people with depression - privately or professionally in socio-educational institutions - is to attend a depression course. You will receive practical tips for everyday life, learn how to support those affected in an appreciative and supportive manner and acquire the skills to act in the event of a suicide risk.

Professional medical help is certainly very important in the case of depression. Relatives, parents or caregivers in socio-educational institutions need a lot of patience, understanding and also the ability to act if there is a risk of suicide. Even well-intentioned advice often feels like a slap in the face for depressed people. It is therefore very important to deal with them gently but confidently. Depression training is therefore highly recommended for people close to depressed people.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung