Business Information Systems Specialist HF: What are the disadvantages of the degree program?

After graduating as a business IT specialist HF, you will take on challenging management tasks in IT. You will use IT and digitalization to make all business processes more efficient, map them electronically and support them.

The main disadvantages of studying for a degree in Business Information Systems HF are:

  1. Due to the duration of study of approx. three to four years for the degree course in Business Informatics HF, a great deal of time commitment and a high level of self-discipline and motivation is required.
  2. Despite cantonal contributions, costs of between CHF 10,000 and CHF 19,000 are to be expected for the entire course, depending on the school. With the full-time option, there is also no income.
  3. Many different topics from the fields of analysis and planning, design and development as well as support and maintenance are covered in the course - this broad mix of subjects can sometimes be overwhelming. You also need a lot of patience and perseverance.
  4. Outside of Switzerland, the HF degree in Business Information Systems is largely unknown and not all foreign managers working in Switzerland are familiar with the HF degree and its significance. At a national level, however, the HF and FH qualifications are now partially treated equally due to the high demand for job vacancies.


Business IT specialists HF form the interface between the technical aspects of IT and the various areas of the company. They usually work in a team with other IT specialists and the company management. In larger companies they report directly to the IT management, in smaller companies they work as project managers or as heads of an IT department.

Education provider of a Business Informatics HF degree program