Technician HF Building Technology with specialization in air conditioning technology (today Building Technician HF without specialization): Experience report from student Corsin Steiner - from building technology project manager to air conditioning technician HF

Portrait-Foto Corsin Steiner
Corsin Steiner

Who are you and what has your career been like so far?

My name is Corsin Steiner and I am 26 years old. I love football as a balance to my studies as an air conditioning technician HF. I've been playing football for 20 years, currently in the first team at FC Bäretswil. I am currently completing further training as an air conditioning technician HF by studying to become a technician HF building technology (now building technician HF). I also work in an engineering office as a project manager in the field of building technology.

Why did you decide to study to become a building technology technician HF (since 30.11.22 called building technician HF)?

I really enjoy my job as a building technology planner. I'm doing further training as an HVAC technician to expand my specialist knowledge. After graduating as a building technology technician (since 30.11.22 called building technician HF), I would like to take on more responsibility in management and possibly be promoted to a higher position.

Fussball als Ausgleich zu dem Studium Techniker HF Gebäudetechnik (Klimatechniker HF)

Have you already achieved success by studying building services engineering?

During my studies as an HF Building Technology Technician, I was promoted from Junior Project Manager to Building Technology Project Manager and was therefore able to take on more responsibility in our engineering office.

What did you personally gain from studying to become an HVAC technician HF?

The best thing for me about training to become an air conditioning technician HF is:

  • Gain more specialist knowledge - especially in the field of air conditioning technology
  • Exude more confidence in everyday working life
  • Being able to find a solution to (almost) any problem as a HF building services engineer

Provider Technician HF Building Technology Studies (since 30.11.22 called Building Technician HF)