Warehouse clerk (new title: logistics clerk): training, further training, apprenticeships, information and overview of schools

Ausbildung Logistiker/in EFZ
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Preview of the video «Ausbildung Logistiker/in EFZ»
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Are you looking for a warehouse assistant apprenticeship? (new name: logistician) - Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and resources for further training.

Would you like personal advice on apprenticeships? Contact the provider of your choice via the "Free information on the topic..." button - without obligation, quickly and easily.

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Tipps und Entscheidungshilfen für die Ausbildungswahl

Are you currently considering your career choice? Find the right profession that you would like to pursue! Are you interested in training as a warehouse clerk? As a warehouse clerk, you are responsible for the provision of objects of all types and kinds. If your heart beats for this job, then an apprenticeship as a warehouse clerk would definitely be the right choice for you.

The job of a warehouse clerk (also known as a logistician) is varied and exciting. During your three-year apprenticeship, you will learn to perform the following main tasks with confidence: you will make objects (goods, people, information, etc.) available at the right time, with the desired characteristics, at the agreed location and at the correct cost. As simple as this may sound, coordination is usually a major challenge. Good planning of all processes is therefore very important. As a warehouse clerk, you will learn that logistics is a fluid cycle and that a continuous flow of materials must be guaranteed. In addition, a warehouse clerk learns to recognize technical and economic issues and to find solutions together with colleagues. This teamwork requires great social skills and a good team spirit.

Do you think you can handle the work of a warehouse clerk with confidence? You will find a large number of offers from qualified schools on the Swiss education platform Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch. The right contact addresses are also available there. Do not hesitate to ask the schools directly online for further information on the respective training and further education courses.

Questions and answers

Eine Nachholbildung als Lagerist ist für Erwachsene mit mindestens fünf Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Logistik sehr gut möglich. Diverse Schulen bieten dazu spezielle Vorbereitungskurse an, die Sie als Vorbereitung auf das Qualifikationsverfahren (früher Lehrabschlussprüfung) nutzen können. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist das Validierungsverfahren für das Logistiker/innen EFZ, bei dem bereits erworbene Kompetenzen angerechnet werden, fehlende in Kursen nachgeholt und keine Prüfung abgelegt werden muss.

Für eine Berufstätigkeit als Lagerist empfiehlt sich die Berufslehre zum Logistiker / zur Logistikerin EFZ mit eidgenössischem Fähigkeitszeugnis oder die zweijährige Attestausbildung mit eidgenössischem Berufsattest EBA. Auch eine praktische Ausbildung zum / zur Praktiker/in Logistik PrA ist für Jugendliche mit Lern- oder Leistungsschwäche in diesem Bereich möglich.

Für Interessierte, die als Lagerist oder Logistiker arbeiten möchten und noch über keine Grundbildung in diesem Bereich verfügen, werden von einigen Schulen Grundkurse in der Logistik angeboten, die Basiswissen vermitteln, praktische Erfahrung in der Logistik in einem betrieblichen Praktikum ermöglichen und einen Staplerkurs mit dem SUVA anerkannten Führerausweis für Staplerfahrer beinhalten.

Die Weiterbildung zum Lagerist resp. Logistiker / Logistikerin mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis kann in den Fachrichtungen Distribution oder Lager abgelegt werden. Zukünftig soll auch die Fachrichtung Produktion angeboten werden.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website www.berufsberatung.ch (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Preview of the video «Ausbildung Logistiker/in EFZ»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.


Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Schöneggstrasse 12
8953 Dietikon
Limmattal Education Center, Logistics and Technology
The Bildungszentrum Limmattal, Logistik und Technologie is a cantonal school that implements its educational mission independently and individually and offers a comprehensive educational culture. At a high professional, pedagogical and methodical/didactic level. And this not only in the higher technical college and the vocational college, but also in the entire area of further education from basic education to higher technical college.
In both areas, developments are constantly being strategically anticipated in order to provide a contemporary and future-oriented range of basic and further education. The name "Bildungszentrum Limmattal" is an expression of openness to the Limmattal economic region. The claim "Logistics and Technology" makes the positioning of the educational services transparent.
Strengths: Small classes ▪ Dedicated lecturers ▪ Direct and uncomplicated communication - Activity-based teaching - Career skills - Practice-oriented
Region: Aargau, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Dietikon
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 21001 SQS
Aarauerstrasse 30
4601 Olten
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Preview of the video «Ausbildung Logistiker/in EFZ»
Adult Education Center EBZ Olten
(5,3) Very good 324 324 Ratings (91% )
The Olten Adult Education Center offers a wide range of courses in the areas of training and further education.
As a leader in vocational training for adults, we offer preliminary courses for the EFZ qualification procedure in accordance with Art. 32 and further training in various professional fields. These courses are mainly held in the evening or on Saturdays. In addition to recognized follow-up courses, we also offer preparatory courses for federal professional examinations for hairdressers and for the logistics sector.
We also offer various attractive and job-oriented courses in finance and accounting. If your goal is an internationally recognized language diploma or a certificate recognized throughout Switzerland, you've come to the right place.
The central location and our location close to the train station are further advantages of our center.
Strengths: Qualified lecturers from the professional world, targeted knowledge transfer, modern infrastructure, Art. 32 catch-up training in classes with adults only, easily accessible.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern
Sites: Olten
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
EFQM 2020

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung