How well known is the "ICT Manager (HFP)" qualification among potential employers? What are the professional benefits of further training?

The Advanced Federal Diploma in ICT Management is one of the federal examinations. It concludes with a federally recognized diploma ("eidg. diploma") and, together with the study and postgraduate diplomas from higher technical colleges (NDS-HF), forms the highest level of training in higher vocational education and training.

The Advanced Federal PET Diploma in ICT Management has been in existence since 2015 and has been adapted to the state of the art and current economic requirements. There have been previous versions of this federal examination since 2003: first "Business IT Specialist (HFP)" (repealed in 2005), followed by "IT Specialist (HFP)" (repealed in 2015).

The sponsor of this HFP is the Swiss ICT Vocational Training Association. As a national organization of the working world (OdA), the association represents companies operating in Switzerland in all matters relating to ICT education and is committed to providing high-quality ICT education in Switzerland. This results in training and further education courses that meet the demand on the job market and consequently enjoy a high status in the professional world. The ICT Manager qualification with a federal diploma meets a real and major need among employers and is accordingly in demand.

Due to the high shortage of skilled workers, the economy is desperately looking for well-trained ICT specialists with management and leadership skills.

Federal diplomas are held in very high esteem in the working world. In a fast-moving field such as ICT, an up-to-date federal diploma also attests to the willingness of graduates to keep their know-how on technology, strategy and processes up to date.

Provider with ICT manager training