Advanced business diploma (cert.)  (Kreuzlingen):
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Glückliche Schülerin im Lehrgang hoeheres Wirtschaftsdiplom
Mit dem HWD bin ich auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sehr gefragt
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Preview of the video «Mit dem HWD bin ich auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sehr gefragt»
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Schützenstrasse 8
9500 Wil
BZWU further education
(5,0) Very good 31 31 Ratings (90% )
Have you already discovered your talent? It's possible at the Wil-Uzwil Vocational and Further Education Center.

BZWU Weiterbildung is your competent partner for adult education in the Wil-Uzwil region. As a cantonal educational institute, we offer free consultation appointments with our education specialists. They will individually clarify your educational needs and previous knowledge and what further education opportunities are available.

With over 2700 participants a year and 130 qualified teachers, we are the leading provider of further education in the region. We accompany our students from the course right through to the Higher Technical College HF and prepare them optimally for professional practice.

Our strengths lie in the following courses:
computer science
Individual company courses

Discover the talent within you.
Strengths: Promoting targeted skills / Future-oriented teaching methods / Focus on people / Active 360° communication / From infrastructure to learning environment
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: Wil, Niederuzwil, Flawil
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Locations in the region Eastern Switzerland and Kreuzlingen:


Questions and answers

A Higher Business Diploma HWD offers graduates:

  • Generalist training - practice-oriented and wide-ranging
  • get a grip on business management instruments
  • Acquire competent basic commercial knowledge
  • become a communicative and management-oriented business specialist
  • Gain organizational flair and project talent
  • sought-after employee in the Swiss economy
  • Gain initial specialization in a specialist area or function
  • work independently on specialized tasks as an expert
  • Create optimal conditions for management training to become a professional or expert
Ein Höheres Wirtschaftsdiplom (HWD) ist vom Verband Schweizerischer Kaderschulen (VSK) anerkannt, sofern es nach den Richtlinien des Verbandes abgeschlossen wurde, und geniesst demnach eine schweizweite Anerkennung. Achten Sie bei Ihrer Ausbildung darauf, dass der Lehrgang als solcher gekennzeichnet ist.

All schools that offer the Advanced Business Diploma HWD / VSK are guided by the specifications and regulations of the Association of Swiss Management Schools (VSK), which clearly define the content. The 2018 regulations specify 7 modules that are examined and to which the individual schools align their course content. These modules are

  • Business administration (incl. economics and law)
  • Accounting
  • Personnel management (incl. law)
  • Process management
  • Project management
  • Marketing
  • Communication, sales and negotiation techniques, rhetoric

Some schools also offer other modules, such as leadership, accounting or German law, but these are optional subjects that are not included in the degree.

The following skills can be acquired through a Higher Business Diploma course with a VSK certificate:

  • understand, analyze and interpret business contexts and derive corresponding action requirements and options for their management level
  • Ability to obtain and evaluate information on current economic and economic policy issues and to make decisions based on this information
  • provide meaningful figures and financial data for individual projects/products or areas for the team or group they manage
  • understand, analyze and interpret the figures and derive corresponding needs and options for action from them
  • successfully apply modern systems and instruments of personnel management in their daily management work in the team/group by incorporating the company's existing guidelines and resources or (co-)designing them themselves
  • design processes and changes within their management area in line with tasks, individuals, teams/groups, resources and the company
  • Ability to include or plan the most important marketing instruments in the sales program
  • Ability to lead meetings and discussions/negotiations competently and master the targeted use of communication tools
Ein Höheres Wirtschaftsdiplom HWD/VSK wird von sehr vielen Schulen in der ganzen Schweiz angeboten, so dass es auch eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Kursmodellen und Kursdaten/-uhrzeiten gibt. Somit müssen Sie nicht zwangsläufig einen Kurs besuchen, welcher an zwei Abenden in der Woche stattfindet, sondern haben oftmals auch die Möglichkeit, sich für einen Lehrgang zu entscheiden, welchen Sie an einem Nachmittag oder Vormittag mit halbem Nachmittag besuchen können. Auch ein Samstagskurs ist bei nahezu allen Anbietern zu finden. Auf diese Weise können Sie sich Ihre Weiterbildung zum dipl. Wirtschaftsfachmann / zur dipl. Wirtschaftsfachfrau zeitlich genau so legen, wie es mit Ihrem Berufs- und Privatleben am besten harmoniert.

The training course leading to the Higher Business Diploma HWD/VSK qualifies you as a Certified Business Specialist VSK (Association of Swiss Management Schools).

If you have successfully completed all seven modules, you are entitled to use this title.

As an admission requirement for a Higher Business Diploma (HWD) with a VSK certificate, prospective students must have completed basic commercial vocational training, i.e. an apprenticeship. Or a degree from a commercial school at commercial diploma level. Persons with other basic vocational training and several years of commercial work experience are also admitted.

Tips, tests and information on "Higher Business Diploma (HWD)"

Brief description of the course
» Profile "Advanced Business Diploma"
How well known is the "Advanced Business Diploma" course and what is its image among potential employers?
» Awareness and image
What wage increase can I expect after completing the course?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What can graduates do after completing the course? What will I gain from this further training?
» Skills and perspectives
What experiences have previous participants had with the course?
» Evaluation of training / experience
» Field report by participant Claudio Vidoni
Interview with course director and principal
» Experiences and tips Headmaster Jürg Koch
Is the "Advanced Business Diploma HWD/VSK" course the right one for me?
» Self-test for the course
What are the advantages of the course?
» 10 Advantages of the "Advanced Business Diploma"
Was sind die wichtigsten Nachteile?
» 4 Nachteile
What is required in the Higher Business Diploma job? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Appointment test and overviews of further training in business administration

Is business administration really my vocation?
» Self-test for business administration / higher business diploma
What other further education courses in business administration are there? Where does the higher business diploma fit in?
» Infographic on business management training
What other courses in business administration are possible with my qualifications?
» Course Finder Business Administration
Educational guide with detailed descriptions of the professions in business administration
» Guide to training and further education in business administration

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Educational counseling online

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Höheres Wirtschaftsdiplom VSK: Optimale Vorbereitung auf die Karriere»
Preview of the video «Alles was du über das Höhere Wirtschaftsdiplom VSK wissen musst»
Preview of the video «Mit dem HWD bin ich auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sehr gefragt»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.