Compendium / guide with detailed descriptions of training and further education in the field of building technology

The building technology sector is enjoying high demand (as of 2023) and this is likely to continue. One of the reasons for the boom in the sector is the debate and action plan surrounding climate protection and energy efficiency. The energy-efficient refurbishment of old buildings plays a central role here, and renewable energies for heating, such as heat pumps or solar systems, are in vogue.

The industry is facing rapid technological and digital change as well as an increasing shortage of skilled workers. In view of this, the development prospects for building technicians HF are very diverse and promising.

However, rapid developments also make it necessary for building technology specialists to undergo continuous further training in order to keep pace with developments and competition on the labor market.

Our guide "Initial and further training in building services engineering" gives you an overview of the building services engineering professions and the various initial and further training opportunities.

You can download the guide as a PDF free of charge and without providing any further information (e.g. e-mail address).

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Provider with building technology HF training, further education, studies