Management specialist with a federal certificate: What are the disadvantages of the training?

Management specialists have the specialist knowledge to manage a department according to business management principles. The focus is on the personnel management of directly subordinate employees, teams and groups. However, they also conduct negotiations with various parties and review progress towards achieving organizational goals.

The most important disadvantages of training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate are

  1. As training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate usually takes place on a part-time basis, the time budget can be tight.
  2. The qualification is not yet very well known among employers, although the training is well established and the sponsorship is broadly supported. Despite the still low level of recognition in the economy, managers are in great demand everywhere and the skills acquired are clearly defined for everyone.
  3. Working as a manager also involves a lot of responsibility and quick decisions. This requires a high level of resilience, flexibility, self-confidence and additional specialist and industry knowledge.
  4. The pressure of the annual federal final examinations is high, but you are well prepared for them during your management training.


Graduates take on management tasks in lower to middle management positions in companies in various industries and professional fields. They do this by leading a team or a group, managing a smaller department or taking on management tasks in an SME.

Training provider Management specialist with federal certificate Training