What are the advantages of the shortened school-based training for adults to become an IT-EFZ?

The shortened school-based training offers career changers the opportunity to obtain a Federal Certificate of Competence in Computer Science EFZ while working.

The main advantages of the school route are:

  1. School-based catch-up training is an efficient way for career changers to obtain a recognized IT qualification.
  2. The training is part-time or part-time internship, so that you do not have a total loss of earnings.
  3. The courses are designed for adults; you will meet like-minded people in the classes.
  4. The teachers are IT and business professionals.
  5. You can choose any of the three specializations on the shortened school pathway.
  6. By choosing your field of study, you specialize in a specific area of computer science.
  7. The training is practice-oriented and you can apply what you have learned in practice on an ongoing basis.
  8. At the end of this training, you will receive the regular Federal Certificate of Competence as a computer scientist EFZ.
  9. As a computer scientist with a recognized degree, you are in high demand on the job market.
  10. After completing your apprenticeship, you have the opportunity to obtain a vocational baccalaureate and gain access to a university of applied sciences.

Provider "Computer scientist career changer (EFZ)"