Vocational baccalaureate (St. Gallen):
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Ich absolviere die BM in 2 Semester
Berufsbegleitend zur Berufsmaturität
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Preview of the video «Ich absolviere die BM in 2 Semester»
Preview of the video «Berufsmaturität an der AKAD»
Preview of the video «Berufsmaturität an der Academic Gateway AG»
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Vulkanstrasse 106
8048 Zürich
BVS Business School - Part of the Benedict Education Group
BVS/BBS Business-School - Your career is our mission. With our further training courses, we enable you to take on new and challenging tasks and increase your position and thus your job satisfaction. Trust in tradition - dare to innovate.
Strengths: All-inclusive prices (excluding external exams), Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu or Saturday classes, above-average exam results, centrally located. Free parking (Zurich), free preliminary courses.
Region: Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich, Bern, Luzern, St. Gallen (BBS Business School)
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Scheuchzerstrasse 2
8006 Zürich
Preview of the video «Ich absolviere die BM in 2 Semester»
Preview of the video «Ich absolviere die BM in 2 Semester»
(5,0) Very good 25 25 Ratings (96% )
The Minerva advantage - close to the market with needs-oriented courses. Minerva is one of the leading schools in basic commercial education, where young people and adults are successfully trained and further educated. Minerva is part of the Kalaidos Education Group Switzerland, the largest private education provider in Switzerland. Whether full-time school or extra-occupational courses, Minerva offers optimal conditions for achieving the desired goals. The basis for its success is the high quality and the flexible and practical school concept, which is constantly adapting to the conditions and needs of today's world.
Strengths: Interest and motivation through innovation, bilingual courses, exclusive range of courses, intensive support and individual advice, motivating working and learning atmosphere, central location
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Luzern, St. Gallen, Winterthur, Zürich
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Locations in the region Eastern Switzerland and St. Gallen:


Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Ich absolviere die BM in 2 Semester»
Preview of the video «Berufsmaturität an der AKAD»
Preview of the video «Berufsmaturität an der Academic Gateway AG»

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