SVEB trainer - individual support (formerly: SVEB-1 practical trainer): Course, schools and information, self-test and guidebook

Ein Praxisausbilder instruiert zwei Lernende an einer Maschine
Erklärvideo: SVEB-Zertifikat Praxisausbilder/in
Einzelne Lernende, Studierende oder Mitarbeitende individuell begleiten
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Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: SVEB-Zertifikat Praxisausbilder/in»
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Practical trainer with SVEB certificate: Training in the workplace

Attention: Since the SVEB revision 2023, the training or qualification has a new name:SVEB certificate for trainers for individual coaching.

The SVEB training courses for trainers (formerly "practical trainers") are aimed at professionals who accompany and support individuals in their workplace. These may be (new) employees, apprentices, trainees or students. Admission to the course requires professional competence in your own specialist area; experience in providing support is desirable, but not a requirement.

The courses comprise 14 course days, which are spread over several months and conclude with the SVEB certificate "Trainer/Individual Support". This qualification forms the first stage of a modular training program in the field of adult education, which leads to the federal certificate as a trainer and the federal diploma as a training manager.

Are you looking for an SVEB course for learning support for individuals? - Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and resources for further training.

Would you like personal advice? Contact the provider of your choice via the "Free information on the topic..." button - without obligation, quickly and easily.

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SVEB trainer - individual support (formerly: SVEB-1 practical trainer): For personal and competent training support

Are you already working in vocational education or practical training and would like to acquire an additional certificate that certifies your skills and gives you the opportunity to individually accompany and train learners, students and other employees? The SVEB instructor training course in "Individual mentoring" (until 2023: SVEB-1 practical trainer) is not only suitable for experienced professionals, but is also perfect as an introduction to practical mentoring for young professionals. The course provides you with all the necessary basics to be able to offer professional learning support. This includes topics such as conflict resolution and communication, leadership style, relationship management, instructional methods, goal definition, employment law, giving feedback, communication theory, specialist advice, placement interviews, assessment interviews, creating learning documents, learning difficulties and learning strategies and several other key areas.

This further training in learning support for individuals lasts four to five months and can be completed on a part-time basis. At several locations in Switzerland, you will have the opportunity to attend competent schools that will prepare you for your future activities and the SVEB certificate as a trainer of individual tutors (formerly: practical trainer). In order to obtain this qualification, you must gain at least 150 hours of practical experience in addition to attending school. You will gain this experience over a minimum of two years in adult learning support, at least 100 hours in one-to-one support and a maximum of 50 hours with more than two people.

Are you interested in this SVEB training in individual guidance and would like to find out more about the proof of competence, the methodology, the learning content and the skills to be acquired? Then use our contact form to get in touch directly with the relevant schools that offer SVEB certificates or and receive detailed course documents free of charge and without obligation. You can also find providers of courses for trainers with a federal certificate here, as well as many other training and further education courses in the field of adult education.

Questions and answers

Achtung: Seit der SVEB-Revision 2023 heisst dieser Abschluss SVEB-Zertifikat Ausbilder/in – Einzelbegleitungen.

Die Weiterbildung zum SVEB –Zertifikat Ausbilder / Ausbilderin – Einzelbegleitungen (früher: SVEB 1 Praxisausbilder – Praxisausbilderin) richtet sich zum einen an bereits tätige Praxisausbilderinnen und Berufsbildner, zum anderen auch an Personen, die in die Lernbegleitung von Lernenden, Mitarbeitenden oder Studierenden einsteigen und sich dafür die notwendigen Qualifikationen aneignen möchten.

Yes, the following types of practical trainers are established:

  • Vocational trainers (all sectors)
  • Practical trainer in the healthcare sector
  • Practical trainer in the social sector
  • SVEB trainer for individual support (formerly: SVEB 1 practical trainer)

Attention:Since the SVEB revision 2023, the qualification is now called: "SVEB instructor - individual coaching".

With the SVEB certificate in individual coaching (formerly: practical trainer), you acquire the following skills:

  • Transfer guiding objectives, the andragogical orientation and other specifications of the organization to their own practical and learning support
  • harmonize the specified goals and content with the framework conditions and the needs of the individual person to be accompanied
  • formulate objectives for the learning units together with the person being accompanied and check the achievement of objectives using suitable methods
  • Design learning units according to criteria of adult-oriented learning and justify the choice of methods - also in relation to the subject and the professional field - for individual support
  • Design the support process in such a way that the self-organization and self-efficacy of the person being supported is promoted
  • give the person being supported feedback on their learning progress, formatively and based on formalized criteria
  • Shaping the relationship and interaction level between the trainer and the person being supported
  • reflect on their own behavior in the role of trainer and draw conclusions from this

Ja. Für Personen, die einen Mitarbeiter oder eine Mitarbeiterin, eine Lernende oder einzelne Studierende ausbilden und individuell betreuen möchten, eignet sich diese Ausbildung zum SVEB-Zertifikat (Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung) hervorragend. Aber Achtung: Seit der SVEB-Revision 2023 heissen die Tätigkeit und der Abschluss neu: SVEB-Zertifikat Ausbilder / Ausbilderin – Einzelbegleitung.

Für Personen, die mehrere Erwachsene in Gruppen ausbilden, empfiehlt sich das SVEB-Zertifikat Ausbilderin / Ausbilder – Durchführung von Lernveranstaltungen (früher: SVEB Kursleiter/in).

Attention:Since the SVEB revision in 2023, the certificate is now called Praxisausbildner / Praxisausbildnerin:SVEB certificate instructor for individual coaching.

The prerequisites for attending the course are

  • Professional competence in your own specialist area
  • Initial experience in accompanying adults is desirable, but not mandatory
  • Enjoy working with people
  • Communication skills
  • Empathy
  • High sense of responsibility
  • Interest in andragogy (training of adults)

Achtung: Seit der SVEB-Revision heissen diese Tätigkeit und der Abschluss neu: SVEB Ausbilder/in – Einzelbegleitungen.

Eine Weiterbildung zum/zur Ausbilder/in Einzelbegleitung mit SVEB-Zertifikat kann je nach Schule zu unterschiedlichen Kurszeiten stattfinden, oft auch samstags, so dass Sie Ihre Berufstätigkeit nicht in jedem Fall reduzieren müssen. Sollten Sie diese Weiterbildung für Ihre momentane Anstellung benötigen, so sollten Sie ohnehin mit Ihrem Vorgesetzten darüber reden. Oft sind Vorgesetzte bereit, einen Teil, wenn nicht sogar die komplette Ausbildung oder Weiterbildung zu finanzieren, sofern Sie sich bereit erklären, dafür nach Beendigung des Kurses eine bestimmte Zeit lang im Unternehmen zu bleiben. Sollte es keine konkrete finanzielle Beteiligung geben, so können Sie bei vielen Unternehmen die Arbeitszeit für einen Lehrgang nutzen, so dass Sie dadurch keine finanziellen Einbussen haben. Nicht selten können Sie während der Arbeitszeit diese Ausbildung in der Praxisausbildung besuchen, bei denen das Unternehmen zudem die Kurskosten übernimmt. Denn schliesslich sollen Sie die Mitarbeitenden oder Lernenden des Unternehmens perfekt begleiten, betreuen und ausbilden können. Sprechen Sie daher immer bereits vor der Anmeldung zum Zertifikatslehrgang „Ausbilderin / Ausbilder Einzelbegleitung“ ausführlich mit Ihren Vorgesetzen.

Practical trainers can then attend the following further training:

SVEB certificate instructor - individual supervision(formerly: SVEB course instructor and SVEB1 adult educator)

Attention: Since the SVEB revision 2023, the qualification is now called: "SVEB Trainer - Individual Guidance".

The activities forSVEB trainers - individual coaching(formerly: SVEB 1 practical trainer) are:

  • prepare individual curricula and teaching materials for the practical and learning support of individuals in their own subject area
  • Provide support for adults (learners, students, employees) within the framework of predefined concepts
  • Evaluation of learning and practical support

Attention:Since the SVEB revision in 2023, the certificate is now called Praxisausbildner / Praxisausbildnerin:SVEB certificate instructor for individual coaching.

The usual educational path to this certificate leads via the module "Learning support for individuals". You can obtain the SVEB certificate in a minimum of four months (and a maximum of 3 years) with 90 hours of contact learning time, 165 hours of self-study and 150 hours of practical experience.

Achtung: Seit der SVEB-Revision 2023 heisst das frühere SVEB-Zertifikat Praxisausbildner/Praxisausbildnerin neu «SVEB Ausbilder/in – Einzelbegleitungen»


Als Berufsbildner in Lehrbetrieben mit 40 oder 100 Lernstunden verfügen Sie bereits über grundlegende Kenntnisse der Erwachsenenbildung. Wenn Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in Erwachsenenbildung vertiefen und erweitern und vielleicht auch den Umfang Ihrer Lernbegleitungen erhöhen wollen, ist die Weiterbildung zum SVEB-Zertifikat Ausbilder / Ausbilderin – Einzelbegleitung sinnvoll.

Ihre Vorbildung bzw. Ihr Zertifikat als Berufsbildner/in wird Ihnen an die SVEB-Weiterbildung angerechnet, d.h. ein Teil des Unterrichts wird Ihnen erlassen. Setzen Sie sich zur genauen Abklärung der Anrechnung mit der Schule Ihrer Wahl in Verbindung.

Achtung: Seit der SVEB-Revision 2023 heisst das bisherige SVEB-Zertifikat Praxisausbilder – Praxisausbildnerin neu «SVEB Ausbilderin / Ausbilder – Einzelbegleitungen».

Die Ausbildung zum SVEB Ausbilder / zur SVEB-Ausbilderin Einzelbegleitung erstreckt sich über den Zeitraum von etwa 5 Monaten (mindestens 4 Monate, maximal 3 Jahre). Sie umfasst 90 Stunden Kontaktlernzeit (online oder im Präsenzunterricht). Zusätzlich müssen Sie mit 150 Praxisstunden (in denen Sie das Gelernte praktisch anwenden, d.h. unterrichten oder einzelne Lernende begleiten) und 165 Stunden individueller Lernzeit (Lesen, Lernen, Dokumentieren usw.) rechnen. Total bedeutet das 405 Stunden Lernzeit.

Tips on the SVEB Trainer - Individual Supervision course (formerly: SVEB-1 Practical Trainer (Cert.))

Is adult education really my vocation?
» Self-test vocation for adult education
How well known is the "SVEB Trainer - Individual Supervision" course (formerly: SVEB-1 Practical Trainer) and what is its image among employers?
» Awareness of SVEB trainers - Individual mentoring
What wage increase can I expect after completing the course?
» Wage information
What can graduates do after completing the "SVEB Trainer - Individual Supervision" course (formerly: SVEB-1 Practical Trainer)?
» Skills
What personal experiences have previous participants had with the course?
» Evaluation of training / experience
What are the advantages of the course?
» Advantages of SVEB trainers - individual coaching
Overview of the professional field of adult education
» Adult education guide

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Warum Bildungsportal mit top Service für Bildungsinteressenten»
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: SVEB-Zertifikat Praxisausbilder/in»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.


Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Wankdorfallee 5
3014 Bern
Health Promotion Switzerland
We are a foundation under private law that is supported by the cantons and insurers. With a legal mandate, we initiate, coordinate and evaluate measures to promote health and prevent illness.
Our long-term goal is a healthier Switzerland.
Region: Bern, Westschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Lausanne
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Kreuzlibergstrasse 10
5400 Baden
e.g. Center for Education | Baden & Brugg
The zB. education center is the business school in Aargau with further education in over 14 subject areas. Here you can continue your education in a contemporary way and benefit from a personal atmosphere. The "zB." accompanies you on your first steps directly after your apprenticeship, through the professional certificate level, to study without a baccalaureate - the Higher Technical College HF.

The educational guidance and career services always provide you with an honest overview of the education market. So you can follow your own personal educational path - for the rest of your life.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Baden, Brugg
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Kasernenplatz 1
6003 Luzern
aeB Switzerland
We are an innovative educational organization with over 1200 students every year. We train specialists and managers in vocational and adult education and counseling and empower people in all areas.

With our three locations in Berne, Lucerne and Zurich, we impress German-speaking Switzerland with our personal atmosphere and individual offerings.

Since 1971, we have been proactively developing the skills that the future will demand of us and setting standards in the education landscape with our pioneering character.
Region: Basel, Bern, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Luzern, Bern, Zürich
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Riggenbachstrasse 8
4600 Olten
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: SVEB-Zertifikat Praxisausbilder/in»
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: SVEB-Zertifikat Praxisausbilder/in»
Learning workshop: SVEB certificate trainer - individual supervision (formerly practical trainer)
(5,6) Excellent 188 188 Ratings (100% )
The "SVEB Certificate for Trainers - Individual Support" (formerly Practice Trainer) is aimed at specialists and vocational trainers who provide individual support and advice to individual learners, students or employees.

Your plus with the learning workshop:
- Guaranteed attendance
- Missed course dates can be attended in a parallel course to a limited extent
- 50% course fee reimbursement in the form of a federal subsidy if you attend all modules and graduate as a "Trainer with a federal certificate" or "Company mentor with a federal certificate". Mentor with federal certificate"
- On your doorstep: 16 locations and various time models on all days of the week
- 29 courses per year
- People who already have the vocational trainer qualification in training companies (40 or 100 hours of training) are exempt from the first four days of training and receive a course fee reduction of CHF 500.
Strengths: Guaranteed implementation / 16 locations / Missed course dates can be attended in a parallel course to a limited extent / Time models on all days of the week
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Biel, Brugg, Buchs/SG, Burgdorf, Bülach, Chur, Luzern, Nottwil, Olten, Pfäffikon/SZ, Sargans, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, Spiez, St. Gallen, Sursee, Thun, Uster, Weinfelden, Winterthur, Zug, Zürich Flughafen, Zürich HB, Zürich Oerlikon, Zürich West
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Mühlemattstrasse 42
5000 Aarau
Careum continuing education
Careum Continuing Education is the pioneering institution for continuing education in the health and social care sector in German-speaking Switzerland. We offer a comprehensive range of courses for specialists and managers. With our courses, you can further your education in every area of a healthcare organization. Be it in nursing and care, leadership and management, consulting and communication, teaching and learning, ageing and society, care gastronomy and housekeeping or medicine and pharmacy.

In our courses, you will acquire sound concepts and up-to-date specialist knowledge. You can put what you have learned into practice in your day-to-day work. In our further training courses, you will train your decision-making skills and expand your understanding of the needs of clients, residents, patients and employees.
Strengths: Flexible and modular - we offer you advice, orientation and individual solutions that match your educational biography, your life situation and your professional goals.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Riesbachstrasse 11
8008 Zürich
EB Zurich
EB Zurich: Services and service design for vocational education and training
EB Zurich is the ideal partner for innovative projects in vocational education and training: Clients benefit from our innovative strength and many years of experience in working with companies, professional organizations and the public sector. We take on development and qualification tasks for them in order to make employees, apprentices, professionals and specialists fit for the future.

The focus here is on the future requirements of the labor market and the needs of our business partners. Particular attention is paid to megatrends such as digitalization, migration and the shortage of skilled workers: the world of work 4.0 needs VET 4.0! As a cantonal educational institution, we have been committed to improving initial and continuing vocational education and training for over 45 years.
Strengths: As a cantonal vocational school, EB Zurich guarantees innovative, practical training; thanks to its many years of experience, it is an ideal training partner for companies and organizations.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Bahnhofplatz 2
9000 St. Gallen
Vocational training and further education Klubschule Pro.
"Education for all" - this has been our guiding principle for over 75 years. As a leading educational institution, we offer low-threshold access to vocational education and training. We impress our customers with a broad and inspiring range of application-oriented courses and training programs.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Chur, Frauenfeld, Schaffhausen, St. Gallen, Wetzikon, Winterthur

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung