Property accounting: further education, overview of schools and offers

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Tipps und Entscheidungshilfen für die Ausbildungswahl

Do you own real estate and would like to take care of the accounting yourself in the future? Or would you like to deepen your knowledge of accounting and finance so that you can later obtain a certificate in real estate management? Or do you work in real estate management and therefore need specific accounting knowledge in this area?

The property accounting clerk course will familiarize you with the basic knowledge of finance and accounting, equivalent to basic commercial training. In addition, you will acquire the necessary know-how about property accounting in relation to rental properties and condominiums, so that you are able to manage them independently and correctly and issue tax-compliant accounts.

Would you like to find out more about this certificate course and would you like to contact the training providers directly? Are you perhaps also looking for other further training courses in the field of real estate and would you like to compare the current training courses on offer? Then we recommend a visit to The comprehensive and popular Swiss education portal offers you an incomparable overview of the entire range of real estate training courses in Switzerland. You can order free and non-binding documents on the individual courses directly online from the schools.

Questions and answers

Wer einen Zertifikatskurs in der Liegenschaftsbuchhaltung absolviert, der erlangt vertiefende Kompetenzen in der Liegenschaften-Buchhaltung, etwa zu Heizkostenabrechnung, Nebenkostenabrechnung, Renditeliegenschaften und STWEG. Auch weiss er oder sie über die Zusammenhänge und die Probleme bei Grundstückgewinnsteuer, Optimierung, Steuererklärungen und Steuerausscheidung bestens Bescheid, kann Kennzahlen des Controlling und Benchmarketing berechnen, anwenden und interpretieren, besitzt eine markt- und kundenorientierte Denk- und Handlungsweise, kennt die verschiedensten Planungsinstrumente und Finanzierungsformen und kann das im Unterricht erworbene Wissen in der Praxis anwenden.

Ein Weiterbildungslehrgang in der Liegenschaftsbuchhaltung richtet sich meist an Sachbearbeiter und Sachbearbeiterinnen im Bereich Rechnungswesen, Treuhand oder Immobilien-Bewirtschaftung, die ihre Kenntnisse in der Immobilienbuchhaltung vertiefen wollen. Jedoch sind in der Regel auch Personen angesprochen, die sich in der Immobilienbranche weiterbilden wollen und über die notwendigen Vorkenntnisse verfügen, ebenso wie Mitarbeitende aus dem Versicherungs-, dem Finanz- und Treuhandwesen, welche mit der Buchhaltung von Liegenschaften in Berührung kommen.

Die Ausbildung in der Liegenschaftsbuchhaltung wird berufsbegleitend durchgeführt und umfasst etwa 100 Lektionen Unterricht, die sich meist über ein halbes Jahr verteilen.

In der Liegenschaftsbuchhaltung können Interessierte das schweizweit anerkannte Diplom „Sachbearbeiter/in Immobilien-Buchhaltung“ erlangen, welches vom Kaufmännischen Verband Schweiz mitgetragen wird und beste Voraussetzungen bietet, um weiterführende Bildungsgänze in der Immobilienbranche zu besuchen, etwa eidg. Fachausweise in der Immobilienbewirtschaftung, der Immobilienbewertung oder der Immobilienvermarktung.

Buchhalterische Kenntnisse in erweiterter Form werden von den Teilnehmenden der meisten Lehrgänge in der Liegenschaftsbuchhaltung vorausgesetzt, ebenso wie gutes Deutsch in Wirt und Schrift sowie allgemeine Berufserfahrung von mindestens zwei Jahren.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.


Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Untertor 11, 8400 Winterthur
8400 Winterthur
IREM Institute Real Estate Management
(5,3) Very good 45 45 Ratings (88% )
The IREM Academy is absolutely unique in its format. Our mission is to impart expert knowledge in an understandable and compact way. We focus on the real estate sector and have designed a clear and transparent training program for you. We offer a modular and continuous training concept. This starts with various courses at entry level and serves professionals with current and specific specialist topics. The offer is supplemented by tailor-made solutions and programs adapted to your needs.

The IREM Academy and its experts successfully train young professionals and real estate specialists regardless of location. The entire training program is available digitally. The IREM Online Academy enables location-independent and independent training and further education in the real estate industry.
Strengths: Guaranteed success! Largest real estate learning video library! Individual time management! Flexible learning! Exam portal for exam simulation! Online & face-to-face lessons! Webniare! Best price guarantee!
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Virtuelles Klassenzimmer, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Winterthur
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Hohlstrasse 535
8048 Zürich
WISS Schulen für Wirtschaft Informatik Immobilien
With and for students and learners - a credo that WISS Schools for Business Informatics Real Estate not only preaches, but also lives every day.
Thanks to the courage to innovate and personal support, WISS conveys practical relevance and deepens this in the areas of: Business, IT and Real Estate.

The guidance and support through all stages of the courses and study programs make education at WISS a stage of life in which professional and personal horizons are broadened.

WISS sees industry change and digitalization as a driving force for the continuous development and optimization of its educational offerings. With many years of experience, WISS offers numerous training and further education opportunities. From vocational training to federal certificates, HF diploma studies or FH studies such as CAS / DAS / BSc or MAS in cooperation with renowned educational partners - experienced, trustworthy, competent.

From professional beginnings to university studies - WISS is always a loyal educational companion
Strengths: Broad range of courses in the field of higher vocational education in business, IT & real estate. Modular study models, practice-oriented, competent lecturers and learning independent of time and place.
Region: Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Luzern, St. Gallen, Zürich
Next start date Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Cambridge English
ICT Berufsbildung

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung