ITIL 4 Foundation exam: schools, courses, information

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Are you looking for a provider of further education or training for the ITIL Foundation exam?

Here you will find a selection of schools, courses and seminars. Simply order comprehensive information on the ITIL v4 exam online from the course provider of your choice by clicking on the "Free information on the topic..." button - without obligation and without commitment.

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ITIL 4 Foundation exam: For professional IT management

The ITIL 4 Foundation exam serves to clearly demonstrate your specialist knowledge. Anyone who successfully completes this exam, i.e. the course, is an absolute professional in IT management. Graduates of the ITIL exam know how to systematize and professionalize IT services. ITIL is a world-leading framework for the management, planning and coordination of services, which contributes significantly to the quality and efficiency of their organization. The internationally recognized compilation of best practices in service management is independent of the manufacturer. Customers can always rely on a stable or even increasing quality of results.

The concept is based on processes such as the service provider's strategy, the recording of customer requirements and ongoing optimization. ITIL is therefore considered the industry standard for all service organizations such as human resources, marketing, IT, facility management or field management. The focus - especially with ITIL v4 - is on the entire value chain. The optimal interlinking of all elements should create value, which is why the framework was given the name Service Value System. In the rapidly changing digitalization and technologies within the VUCA world and the fourth industrial revolution, ITIL enables efficient networking of processes, resources and work steps - always agile and holistic.

In order to enable sound service management, graduates of the ITIL 4 Foundation exam must understand the following principles, which are decisive within the value chain:

  • The focus is always on value creation, every action should contribute to this
  • All good practices should be retained and optimized where necessary
  • Develop repetitively, in regular small steps, in order to remain agile
  • Pushing collaboration, communication and transparency internally and externally
  • Think and act holistically and take responsibility from A-Z
  • Keep every process, every tool and all resources and activities simple and practical to enable efficient value creation
  • Save errors, time and resources by reducing manual work and promoting optimization and automation.

If you would like to take the ITIL 4 Foundation exam, simply order detailed information about the course from the provider of your choice - free of charge and without obligation.

Questions and answers

Beratende, Projektleitende, Manager und Managerinnen sowie Prozessmanagerinnen und Prozessmanager, die sich mit IT Service Management intensiv auseinandersetzen und zu einer Optimierung des IT-Nutzens im Unternehmen beitragen wollen, sind für einen Vorbereitungskurs auf die ITIL Foundation Prüfung angesprochen. Dazu gehören neben IT-Fachmännern und IT-Fachfrauen (IT-Referenten, IT-Berater, IT-Koordinatoren, IT-Manager, IT-Mitarbeitende) auch IT-Leistungsbezüger/innen, Geschäftsführende sowie Betriebswirtschafter und Betriebswirtschafterinnen.

Personen, die an einem Kurs als Vorbereitung auf die IT Infrastructure Library – ITIL Foundation Prüfung teilnehmen möchten, benötigen keine speziellen Vorkenntnisse. Freude an IT-Prozessen und IT Basiswissen genügen meist. Jedoch gibt es auch hin und wieder Bildungsanbieter, die von ihren Bildungsteilnehmenden Vorkurse erwarten, etwa eine interaktive Simulation, um das Prozessframework ITIL wirklich erfassen zu können. Nähere Informationen dazu erhalten Sie über das Kontaktformular direkt von den Schulen.

Nach einer Einführung in das Thema des ITIL Service Managements, einer Definition von Service und Grundlagenverständnis werden den Teilnehmenden eines Lehrgangs als Vorbereitung auf die ITIL Foundation Prüfung anschliessend die Basiskompetenzen vermittelt, die etwa Utility and Warranty, Resources and Capabilities sowie Service Model, Service Packages, Rolle, Funktionen und Prozesse beinhaltet. Auch über die Phasen, Prozesse und Funktionen des Service Lifecycles erfahren die Teilnehmenden einiges, bevor sie sich auf Scope, Ziele, Begrifflichkeiten und Definitionen, Basic concepts, key principles und Prozesse der Service-Strategy-Phase der Kernbereiche Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation sowie Continual Service Improvement konzentrieren.

Sollten Sie eine ITIL Foundation Prüfung abschliessen wollen, so bereiten Sie sich in einem Seminar umfassend auf diese Prüfung vor und schliessen sie am letzten Kurstag ab. Im Anschluss erlangen Sie die Zertifizierung.

Meist bieten Bildungsanbieter Vorbereitungskurse für die ITIL Foundation Prüfung an, die sich über drei volle Tage erstrecken.

Die ITIL Foundation Prüfung an sich kostet CHF 220.- (Stand 2018), jedoch sind die Prüfungsgebühren meist bereits in den Kurskosten miteingeschlossen.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Badenerstrasse 623
8048 Zürich
Glenfis AG
No targeted action without sharing experiences with experts - getting your digitalization on the right track means knowing how to do it. Your success is our yardstick: we offer you a holistic package to create the right conditions. You decide the place, the time and the form. We are flexible - whether in the training room or virtually.

Cloud computing & sourcing governance
DevOps, Lean & Agile
Cyber and information security management
Service Management
IT governance and assessment
Architecture Management
Project Management
Strengths: Seminars with optimally organized all-round support. Registration, administration of the certification, catering, seminar documents and target review are all handled by Glenfis.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich und bei Ihnen in der Firma
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 29990 SGS
Seewenweg 3
4153 Reinach BL
ITIL 4 Foundation - Computare AG
Do you work in IT service management and are you interested in increasing the value of IT for your company? Then the ITIL 4 Foundation training is just right for you!

In two days, you will learn the basic terminology, structures, concepts and principles of ITIL 4. You will learn a holistic framework for the creation, delivery and continuous improvement of technology-enabled products and services and prepare for the certification exam.

With your newly acquired knowledge, you will help your company to establish a service management culture and meet current challenges in an agile, smart and efficient way.
After the training, you will have the opportunity to prove your acquired knowledge in a 60-minute online exam in German or English at the PEOPLECERT examination institute.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Reinach
Next start date
Limmatstrasse 50
8005 Zürich
Digicomp Academy AG
(5,4) Very good 119 119 Ratings (94% )
Digicomp is the leading independent partner for the development of digital skills in the business environment. We create the space for practical training and advise with customized solutions. Our network combines personal presence and digital excellence for the success of our customers in a competitive environment.

Together with over 250 trainers and more than 1,000 customized seminars, we make your company and your employees fit for the digital future. State-of-the-art forms of learning and flexible approaches to delivery guarantee customized, holistic training that takes you further.
Strengths: Digital Competence. Made of people. We are convinced that the digital skills of employees are key to shaping change. The focus is on people and their skills.
Region: Basel, Bern, Westschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich, Bern, Basel, Lausanne, Genève
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 9001 SQS
Route des Jeunes 35
1227 Genève
ITTA - IT Training Academy SA
For over 20 years, ITTA has been helping companies and organizations in Switzerland and abroad to develop the potential and skills of their employees. We are committed to providing first-class services that help our clients achieve their goals.

For more than 20 years, ITTA has been helping companies and organizations in Switzerland and abroad to develop the potential and skills of their employees. We are committed to providing high quality services that help our clients to achieve their objectives.
Region: Westschweiz
Sites: Genève, Lausanne
Next start date
Fabrikweg 2
8306 Wangen-Brüttisellen
CT Academy AG
The CT Academy (CT = Customized Training) offers innovative learning solutions, managed training services and further education in the form of high-quality training courses. The focus is on the ICT sector for companies, public institutions and private individuals.

We take care of your training project from the strategic needs analysis to the design, implementation and subsequent evaluation. In doing so, we rely on partnerships with numerous manufacturers and experts to find the best learning solution for our customers that fits their budget.

We focus on our participants and their wishes. That is why we adapt the learning solution, language and learning content individually at all times. We are absolutely convinced of the quality of our training and therefore offer a satisfaction guarantee for our classroom training, online live webinars, blended learning, private workshops and company seminars.
Region: Westschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Wallisellen, Lausanne
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Institut für berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung IBAW
Plan your next career move

Would you like to take off professionally? Support your employees with customized further training? The IBAW offers high-quality, practical training courses for private individuals and companies/institutions at various locations in Switzerland.

The offer includes the following areas:

- Finance and accounting
- Management and business administration
- Human Resources
- Commercial offers
- Office & ECDL
- Marketing & Sales
- Project and service management
- Business informatics
- System and network technology
- Digital Collaboration and Transformation
- Graphic Design
- Coding and data science
- Web design and development
- Microsoft certifications
Strengths: The Institute for Vocational Education and Training IBAW offers high-quality, practical training courses for private individuals and companies/institutions throughout Switzerland.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Horgen, Luzern, Olten, Rapperswil, Sursee, Thun, Zug, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Hermes 5
ISO 21001 SQS
Schweizer Berghilfe

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung