Retail trade specialist: training, further training, information, self-tests

Detailhandelsspezialist überprüft mit dem Laptop den Lagerbestand an Waren
Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin (BP)
Karriere-Sprungbrett im Detailhandel
Preview of the video «Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin (BP)»
Preview of the video «Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin (BP)»
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Would you like to train as a retail specialist with a federal certificate? - Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and tools to help you choose the right training course.

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Retail trade specialist with a federal certificate: a springboard to a career in retail trade

Retail specialists manage areas, rayons, departments or entire branches of all kinds of goods - whether chocolate specialties, hosiery or workshop accessories. As specialists and managers in their sales area, they usually belong to middle management and are involved in practically all relevant work steps - from purchasing goods and designing the product range to marketing and planning staff deployment.

Education:The umbrella organization "Bildung Detailhandel Schweiz" (BDS) is behind the professional examination for retail trade specialists with a federal certificate. It promotes young professionals in the retail trade and is committed to vocational further training with uniform quality standards. The retail trade specialist training course has been in existence since 1999, is well established on the job market and opens the door to higher professional examinations.

Learning content:The training provides general knowledge on the topics of the company, environment, personnel management, personnel management, logistics, procurement, marketing and sales.

Relevance:Due to digitalization and changing consumer behaviour, the Swiss retail trade is particularly confronted with the upheavals in the economy and everyday life. As qualified specialists with the necessary, up-to-date know-how, retail specialists with a federal certificate are in high demand on the job market.

Activity:Retail specialists usually work in small or medium-sized supermarkets, specialist or specialty stores as area, district, department or branch managers. Their tasks are numerous: they are responsible for purchasing the product range, tracking the movement of goods and ensuring that the warehouse is managed professionally. In doing so, they comply with the statutory safety measures. They develop suitable solutions for incorrect purchases and gaps in the range and also ensure that the product range is attractively designed. They also calculate costs, monitor the budget and optimize processes on an ongoing basis. Retail specialists also conduct market research: among other things, they analyze key figures on purchasing behavior and derive sales-promoting measures from them. Finally, they also instruct their employees and support them in the implementation of their tasks.

Personal requirement:Outgoing and reliable professionals from the retail sector who have a good nose for upcoming trends and seasonal sales opportunities as well as a flair for figures and would like to take on management responsibility are well served by a retail specialist apprenticeship.

Questions and answers

You should meet these personal requirements for the retail trade specialist apprenticeship:

  • Customer orientation
  • Service orientation
  • communicative competence
  • Pleasure in consulting and sales
  • analytical skills
  • Sociability

Those interested in retail specialist training expect the following insights from an information event at the school:

  • 70 % Key data on further training
  • 63 % Information on the training method
  • 62 % View learning materials
  • 55 % Get to know the school better
  • 53 % learn more about future career opportunities
  • 35 % Info on success rates and ratings "Retail specialist"
  • 34 % can clarify individual questions
  • 28 % Hold discussions with lecturers
  • 24 % Meet and interview graduates
  • 23 % Information on the Swiss education system
  • 16 % See classroom

A specialist in retail trade has the following responsibilities after graduation:

  • Ensuring the sales success of the branch/department
  • Branch manager in larger branches Deputy
  • Product range design, goods procurement, logistics and marketing
  • Personnel management
  • Comply with regulations regarding goods and technical equipment
  • Budget compliance

Folgendes sind dei Detailhandelsspezialist-Voraussetzungen für die Berufsprüfung:

  • Eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis als Detailhandelsfachmann / Detailhandelsfachfrau oder als Detailhandelsangestellter / Detailhandelsangestellte oder gleichwertiger Ausweis und mindestens drei Jahre Berufspraxis im Detailhandel nach Lehrabschluss.


  • Eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis (Lehrabschluss) oder gleichwertiger Ausweis und mindestens vier Jahre Berufspraxis im Detailhandel nach Lehrabschluss.


  • Berufsattest als Detailhandelsassistent / Detailhandelsassistentin und mindestens fünf Jahre Berufspraxis im Detailhandel nach Abschluss der Grundbildung.


  • Keiner der vorgenannten Ausweise und mindestens zehn Jahre Berufspraxis im Detailhandel.


  • Nachweis einer mindesten einjährigen Führungsfunktion im Detailhandel.
  • Nachweis der erforderlichen Modulabschlüsse oder der Gleichwertigkeitsbestätigung.
Der Lehrgang zur Berufsprüfung (BP) Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis vermittelt ein umfassendes betriebswirtschaftliches Generalistenwissen. Absolventen / Absolventinnen des Fachausweises verfügen über die notwendige Fach- und Führungskompetenz, um in Detailhandelsbetrieben in einer verantwortungsvollen Funktion tätig zu sein. Für das Erreichen der Unternehmensziele optimieren und begünstigen Detailhandelsspezialisten / Detailhandelsspezialistinnen Kernprozesse des Verkaufs. Hierfür führen und motivieren sie Mitarbeitende, nutzen ihre soliden betriebswirtschaftlichen Kenntnisse für die Analyse und Gestaltung von Projekten und kommunizieren kompetent mit internen und externen Stellen.

For holders of the Federal Certificate of Competence as a Retail Trade Specialist who are interested in a comprehensive education in the retail trade sector and want to deepen their knowledge in the disciplines of corporate management, financial and personnel management as well as communication and information management, we recommend attending the higher professional examination for retail trade managers with a federal diploma.


Further possibilities are:

  • Professional specialization as a category manager or merchandiser
  • Higher professional examination for a federal diploma as a retail economist, buyer, sales manager or marketing manager
  • Advanced technical college HF in business administration or marketing management
  • With vocational baccalaureate: University of Applied Sciences degree in Business Administration

A survey of training graduates provides a benchmark for the amount of time spent on self-study - e.g. casework for retail trade specialists. According to this, graduates of further education courses spent the following amount of time per week:

  • 1 % less than one hour
  • 8 % one to two hours
  • 20 % three to four hours
  • 18 % five to six hours
  • 19 % seven to eight hours
  • 11 % nine to ten hours
  • 8 % eleven to fifteen hours
  • 15 % more than fifteen hours

Ein Detailhandelsspezialist übernimmt anspruchsvolle Fach- und Führungsaufgaben im Detailhandel. Zu den Aufgaben in Detailhandelsspezialist-Jobs gehört das Beschaffen von Waren, das Bewirtschaften des Lagers, attraktive Warenpräsentation, Betreiben von Marktforschung sowie das Auswerten von Kundenbefragungen. Eine Detailhandelsspezialistin arbeitet in einem Supermarkt, Fachgeschäft oder Spezialgeschäft. Ebenfalls kümmern sich Detailhandelsspezialisten um Fehler und die Einhaltung der Sicherheitsmassnahmen sowie um die Prozessoptimierung. Im Bereich Finanz- und Rechnungswesen ermitteln Detailhandelsspezialisten wichtige Kennzahlen, erstellt Budgets und berechnet Kosten. Genauso ist man in dieser Funktion für den optimalen Personaleinsatz verantwortlich.

Most people interested in a training course want to check at the beginning of the interest phase whether the course meets their personal requirements for further training. This is also confirmed by a survey conducted by Ausbildung-Weiterbildung among those interested in retail specialist training. Almost all respondents cited this as the reason for their interest - namely 61%. 29% were interested in the course because they had received a recommendation. 10% of respondents were interested in further training because it is often mentioned in job advertisements. Other reasons given in free text responses are as follows:

  • "Because I have a qualification as an EFZ retail specialist"
  • "I want to get closer to my professional goal"
  • "The course is a prerequisite for a job I'm applying for"
  • "Expansion of specialist knowledge"

Die Detailhandelsspezialist-Ausbildung zur Berufsprüfung Detailhandelsspezialistin / Detailhandelsspezialist mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis besteht aus folgenden Modulen:

  • Modul 1:  Unternehmen und Umfeld
  • Modul 2:  Personalführung und Personalmanagement
  • Modul 3:  Finanz- und Rechnungswesen
  • Modul 4:  Beschaffung und Logistik
  • Modul 5: Absatz und Marketing

In einem ersten Schritt werden in der Detailhandelsspezialist-Prüfung die fünf Module Unternehmen und Umfeld, Personalführung und Personalmanagement, Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Beschaffung und Logistik, Absatz und Marketing, geprüft.

Der erfolgreiche Abschluss wird für die Zulassung zur Berufsprüfung  Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis vorausgesetzt und gilt als Kompetenznachweis.

Die eidgenössische Berufsprüfung ist in eine Fallarbeit und in einen Assessment-Tag unterteilt.

Die Fallarbeit wird 14 Wochen vor der Prüfung zur Bearbeitung verschickt und muss bis spätestens 6 Wochen vor der Prüfung eingereicht werden. Das Ergebnis wird an der Berufsprüfung präsentiert.

Am Assessment-Tag müssen Critical Incidents beantwortet und eine Planungsaufgabe gelöst und präsentiert werden.

  • Federal certificate of proficiency as a retail trade specialist (EFZ) and at least three years of professional experience in the retail trade.


  • Other 3-year basic vocational training or equivalent training and 4 years of professional experience in the retail trade.


  • Federal Vocational Certificate in Retail Assistant (EBA) and at least five years of professional experience in the textile retail trade.


  • Anyone who does not have one of the aforementioned certificates must provide evidence of ten years' professional experience in the retail trade.


  • 1 year of management experience in retail trade


  • Required module qualifications or certificates of equivalence

A survey of people who have enquired at one or more schools about further training as a retail specialist reveals the following results:

  • In 50% of cases, an online assessment triggered the school inquiry
  • 33.75 % were recommended the school they enquired about
  • 16.25 % already knew the school/s before the request

Schools with good online ratings or well-known schools with which a prospective student has already been satisfied are almost always shortlisted for the new training course. This survey by the education platform therefore also confirms this for the retail trade specialist course. As an additional important reason, respondents gave us the following text responses: "The school is the easiest to reach", "Bernese schools", "the school is close to where I live", "is nearby", "compare several together", "due to start date" and "by chance".

Tips, tests and information on "Retail trade specialist with federal certificate"

How well known and what is the image of the "Retail Trade Specialist" course among potential employers?
» Awareness and image
What wage increase can I expect after completing the course?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What can graduates do after completing the course? What will I gain from the course?
» Skills and prospects of retail specialists
Is the retail trade specialist course the right one for me?
» Do I meet the requirements, do I belong to the target group, will I graduate?
Is the "Retail Trade Specialist (BP)" course suitable for me?
» Self-test for the course
What are the advantages of the Retail Trade Specialist course?
» Advantages of a retail specialist
Overview of the professional field of sales and retail trade
» Marketing, sales, communication guide
How can I finance my continuing education? How can I benefit from federal subject funding?
» SERI Federal contributions for continuing education for professional examinations and higher professional examinations
What is required in the retail specialist job? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Infographic "Sales and retail training and further education"

Find the right educational level and qualification immediately with!

Do you know your options for training or further education in sales and retail? We will show you where you stand in the Swiss education system and what higher levels and qualifications are available.

Download infographic immediately free of charge

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Tipps Lehrgang Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin mit Eidg. Fachausweis»
Preview of the video «Eidg. FA Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin vs. Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau»
Preview of the video «Interview mit Teilnehmer Remo Aragão»
Preview of the video «Interview mit Teilnehmer Marco Noto»
Preview of the video «Interview mit Teilnehmerin Samantha Aebischer»
Preview of the video «Interview mit Teilnehmerin Leira Ingold»
Preview of the video «Tipps & Infos von Dozent Daniel Ruch»
Preview of the video «Tipps & Infos von Dozent Philip Odermatt»
Preview of the video «Führungsverantwortung im Verkauf dank dem eidg. Fachausweis als Detailhandelsspezialist/in»
Preview of the video «Tipps und Infos zum Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin mit eidg. Fachausweis»
Preview of the video «Weg als Gärtnerin / Floristin in die Filialleitung eines grossen Möbelgeschäfts»
Preview of the video «Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin (BP)»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.


Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Filter by teaching method:
Other (0)
Niklausstrasse 16
8090 Zürich
Vocational school for retail trade and pharmacy Zurich
The Vocational School for Retail and Pharmacy Zurich is a cantonal vocational school with two locations in the city of Zurich. Around 2200 young people are trained here in basic vocational training to become retail specialists, retail assistants and pharmaceutical assistants. An extensive range of additional courses and various services prepare the young people for their professional future.
Strengths: Practical relevance, experienced and didactically and methodically trained instructors, proven course concepts and teaching materials, know-how as a founding member of the Swiss Retail Competence Center (kdhs)
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 9001 SGS
Dreilindenstrasse 20/ Postfach
6000 Luzern 6
KV Lucerne University of Cooperative Education
The KV Luzern Berufsakademie is fully committed to the success of its students. With this objective as our top priority, we run an ambitious school with a wide range of courses. Our aim is to cover all your continuing education needs.

The success of the KV Luzern Berufsakademie is based on the many years of practical experience, personal responsibility, motivation, enjoyment of teaching and the personal commitment of our teaching staff. They are constantly improving their technical knowledge, teaching skills and social competence in order to prepare students even better for their exams and to achieve above-average results together with them.
Strengths: THE largest business competence center in Central Switzerland - high success rates - 400 lecturers from the business world - 100 courses - learn today - apply tomorrow - central location
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern
Next start date Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
Schützenstrasse 8
9500 Wil
BZWU further education
(5,0) Very good 31 31 Ratings (90% )
Have you already discovered your talent? It's possible at the Wil-Uzwil Vocational and Further Education Center.

BZWU Weiterbildung is your competent partner for adult education in the Wil-Uzwil region. As a cantonal educational institute, we offer free consultation appointments with our education specialists. They will individually clarify your educational needs and previous knowledge and what further education opportunities are available.

With over 2700 participants a year and 130 qualified teachers, we are the leading provider of further education in the region. We accompany our students from the course right through to the Higher Technical College HF and prepare them optimally for professional practice.

Our strengths lie in the following courses:
computer science
Individual company courses

Discover the talent within you.
Strengths: Promoting targeted skills / Future-oriented teaching methods / Focus on people / Active 360° communication / From infrastructure to learning environment
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: Wil, Niederuzwil, Flawil
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Institut für berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung IBAW
Plan your next career move

Would you like to take off professionally? Support your employees with customized further training? The IBAW offers high-quality, practical training courses for private individuals and companies/institutions at various locations in Switzerland.

The offer includes the following areas:

- Finance and accounting
- Management and business administration
- Human Resources
- Commercial offers
- Office & ECDL
- Marketing & Sales
- Project and service management
- Business informatics
- System and network technology
- Digital Collaboration and Transformation
- Graphic Design
- Coding and data science
- Web design and development
- Microsoft certifications
Strengths: The Institute for Vocational Education and Training IBAW offers high-quality, practical training courses for private individuals and companies/institutions throughout Switzerland.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Horgen, Luzern, Olten, Rapperswil, Sursee, Thun, Zug, Zürich
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Hermes 5
ISO 21001 SQS
Schweizer Berghilfe
Baarerstrasse 137
6302 Zug
Preview of the video «Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin (BP)»
Preview of the video «Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin (BP)»
Art of Formation – Weiterbildung WBA AG
(5,3) Very good 39 39 Ratings (97% )
+ Over 20 years of experience in course concepts
+ Guided online lessons and small groups: Proven, successful, high completion rates - save up to 3 hrs of your time per week!
+ First certified online training institute in Switzerland
+ Lecturer team with extensive experience in federal exam preparation
+ High federal completion rate of 90% across all courses
+ Pioneer of online teaching: We train wherever you are and whenever you have time!
+ Unique learning environment with small classes
+ Always half-year start spring and fall
+ Small class guarantee from 5 to 15 participants
+ Course price guarantee with 50% subsidy
+ "Referral gift!"
+ Easy and quick access to locations (by public transport or car)
+ Free additional lessons during the course
+ Personal consultation appointments
+ Uncomplicated and fast administrative support
+ E-learning with gamification
+ Course support from start to finish
+ High federal graduation rate (90%)
Strengths: + Guided online lessons: proven, successful, high completion rates + Half-yearly start spring/autumn + Small class guarantee of 5 - 15 participants + Course price guarantee with 50% subsidy
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Emmen/LU, Geführter ONLINE-UNTERRICHT, Gossau/SG, Muttenz/BL, Spiez, Winterthur/ZH, Zürich
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden

Postgasse 66
3000 Bern
Vocational school for the retail trade Bern
bsd. Vocational school for the retail trade - where education is not a detail. bsd. specializes in training in the retail trade. You benefit from the knowledge and economic links of the largest training institution in the retail trade.
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern
Verena-Conzett-Strasse 23
8004 Zürich
SIU retail trade management school
(5,2) Very good 106 106 Ratings (97% )
Success is not a matter of luck - learn from the market leader and be one of the rising stars in your industry!
Our participants in the SIU Retail Management School benefit from the high success rates and the quality of our training courses. In close cooperation with the largest employers in the Swiss retail trade and lecturers from the field, the course content is continuously adapted to the current needs of the industry.

Your apprenticeship lays the foundation for your career in the retail trade. Many topics are covered in the basic training: Marketing, sales, accounting and more. For the next step on the career ladder, it is important to deepen this knowledge from the apprenticeship, for example through specific courses in individual specialist areas. At SIU, you can complete excellent further training courses in retail at various locations in Switzerland.
Strengths: High level of practical transfer, personal support, industry-specific teaching materials, lecturers from the field, proven online model, location assessments
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, Chur, Lugano, Luzern, Olten, Paudex, Sargans, St. Gallen, Winterthur, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
ISO 21001 SQS
Emil Frey-Strasse 100
4142 Münchenstein
kv pro (Avanti KV continuing education and commercial school KV Basel)
(5,1) Very good 11 11 Ratings (100% )
As kv pro, we are committed to higher vocational training and are one of the largest providers of in-service commercial training in the region. Originating from the KV Basel (Basel-Stadt) and Avanti KV Weiterbildungen (Baselland) business schools, we have been shaping the commercial education system in the region for more than 150 years.

We are committed to high quality standards in order to provide our customers with the best possible preparation for the professional challenges of our time. We see ourselves as a partner on the career path of our participants.

At our teaching locations in Basel, Liestal and Münchenstein, we offer further training in all commercial specializations and at all common (NQF levels). The majority of our experienced lecturers come from the private sector.

kv pro is supported by the Kaufmännischer Verband Region Beide Basel, the employees' association for business people.
Strengths: High level of practical transfer, personal advice and support, up-to-date teaching materials, lecturers with practical experience, location assessments, many years of experience.
Region: Basel
Sites: Basel, Liestal, Münchenstein
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Cambridge English
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
Stampfenbachstrasse 6
8001 Zürich
FfD Technical college for retail trade & technical college for e-commerce
(5,7) Excellent 182 182 Ratings (100% )
As the specialist in retail and e-commerce, we offer you an attractive range of further training courses: Retail specialist course with a federal certificate (16 months) and e-commerce specialist course with a federal certificate (16 months).

We specialize in extra-occupational courses and successfully conduct lessons on site, in parallel via livestream and with video recording. This means you benefit 100% from the flexibility. You attend classes according to your availability. Everyone benefits.

The courses take place at different times. Here, too, you benefit from our flexibility. You can make up for missed lessons in another time variant.

Other diploma & certificate courses we offer include E-commerce courses on various topics such as PIM, product presentation in the online store, interface management in the digital sales process, online store marketing, sales courses, sales consultants, visual merchandising & checkout course.
Strengths: 3-track concept: on-site lessons, livestream & video; personal support right up to the exam; modular course structure with certificate and diploma qualifications; fair payment conditions and fees!
Region: Basel, Bern, Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Bahnhofstrasse 46
5000 Aarau
HKV Aarau
HKV Aarau is the leading educational institute for in-service commercial training in the Aarau region.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau, Rheinfelden
Next start date

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung